Great Moments In Lesbian Eugenics

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* So lesbians are even dumber than we supposed–and dangerous to themselves and others.

Funny, it was gay men’s mental instability that most people worried about throughout history and today, what with the high propensity for impulsive behavior and mob violence and sociopathy (e.g. Ernest Rohm, the Stonewall Riots after Judy Garland died, the AIDS partner trading).

But lesbians were viewed as benignly mentally disabled and rather laughable. They’d go off in the woods all man-hating and either disappear on some tiny commune or come back for their meds and get committed.

But now we’re having major problems where lesbians, for political reasons, are having children, and their mental deficiencies are going to be visited on innocent children—such as their inability to tell obvious scams from a mile away, or their inability to choose stable genetic fathers for their children. This does not bode well.

* No, I’m not sympathetic to families that use donors.

Amazing what that Catholic church religion stuff would prevent. Following it leads to a better, more prudent life, one that even bottom-half-of-bell-curvers could undertand. Go to church and be thankful for what you have, apologize for what you’ve done wrong, help those less fortunate, stay married and raise your own children, take care of your parents and grandparents in their old age, don’t murder or steal, don’t sleep around. And, choose to mate with someone who also does these things, as evidenced by their participation in same church.

Mirabile dictu! You do these things prevent you from needing schizophrenic sperm donors, prevent you from aborting your own offspring when you are young and healthy enough to have babies, prevent you from shacking up with some idiot who rapes or murders your children while you go find a new honey, prevents you from wasting your money gambling, drinking, whoring, stops you from taking out nondoc loans for homes 7 times your earnings, etc. Etc. Etc.

To this issue of lesbian eugenics: who except a) the most vain, narcissistic, stupid men who can’t work out the possible implications of random multiple daddyhood to their future emotional or financial well-being would donate sperm? Answer: men so barely hanging on to a normal life right now that they were driven by money or psychosis. But I’m sure that’s profiling.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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