Daily Archives: March 5, 2016

Indians Are Nice

AP: “In its request for consultation, India alleges the U.S. had increased fees for temporary visas in December, officials said. It argues that as a result, some Indians receive unfair treatment compared with Americans in the United States in providing … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t Europe Defend Itself From The Muslim/African Invasion Of Refugees?

Steve Sailer writes: “It’s almost as if Europe should have policies in place to defend itself from being overrun by guys in shiny tracksuits so that it doesn’t really matter what Putin is up to with regard to immigration in … Continue reading

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Do you think we’ll have targeted assassinations and killings in the run up to the US election?

America is about to explode over Donald Trump. We’re right on the edge of killing. The critics of Trump says he’s Hitler. To kill a Hitler is a mitzvah in many minds. The crazies are picking up this talk and … Continue reading

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Election Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer on Saturday’s elections: * Traditional Republicans are uptight WASPs and Protestants who are mainly in the Midwest and West now and don’t find Trump, especially his style and demeanor, as appealing as Republicans in the South … Continue reading

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The Erasing Of Tribal Identity

Interesting thread on Twitter: Todd Gitlin: To Bay Area friends: I’ll be speaking on Jewish identity, courtesy the Berkeley Jewish Studies program… Alan Neff: Shouldn’t that be Jewish “identities”? Owing to the fact that we have so many of them, … Continue reading

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