Monthly Archives: March 2016

Max Boot Prefers Stalin To Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Joseph Stalin was the leader of a creedal nation — a nation founded upon a specific set of ideas. Ideas that millions of people, many of whom were not Russian, cherished in their hearts. Allegiance … Continue reading

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The Tragedy of a Hall of Fame Coach and His Star Recruit

Michael Powell writes in the New York Times: “The tragedy is that the adults in big-time high school and college basketball, despite attempts at reform and despite the presence of many fine student-athletes, exert far more energy trying to churn … Continue reading

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Israel’s Gaza Agony

Martin Van Creveld writes: A decade after the last Israeli troops and settlers left Gaza, the withdrawal remains controversial in Israel. The former Israeli settlers there bewail their loss of the wonderful lives they claim to have led in the … Continue reading

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Max Boot: “I Would Sooner Vote for Josef Stalin Than I Would Vote for Donald Trump”

Steve Sailer writes: Another NYT article on the GOP donors and their hirelings plotting to start a third party to thwart Trump and throw the election to Hillary: Anti-Trump Republicans Call for a Third-Party Option By ALEXANDER BURNS MARCH 2, … Continue reading

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Forward: “How Republican Jews Utterly Failed to Prevent Rise of ‘Toxic’ Donald Trump”

From Steve Sailer: From The Forward (formerly Jewish Daily Forward): How Republican Jews Utterly Failed To Prevent Rise of ‘Toxic’ Donald Trump Noam Neusner Mar 1, 2016 Noam Neusner is a principal with the communications firm 30 Point Strategies and … Continue reading

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