Max Boot Prefers Stalin To Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Joseph Stalin was the leader of a creedal nation — a nation founded upon a specific set of ideas. Ideas that millions of people, many of whom were not Russian, cherished in their hearts. Allegiance to his nation and his nation’s founding ideas could be adopted by anyone irrespective of race or ethnicity. He also, in the fullness of time, exported those ideas abroad.

He had no use for nationalism or patriotism — look what he did to those pesky Ukrainians.

Seriously, what’s for the neocuckservatives not to like?

* I love how being “one of the world’s leading authorities on armed conflict” is based totally on being called “one of the world’s leading authorities on armed conflict”. It’s not like they took his various pronouncements and predictions on armed conflict over the years and checked how they panned out and determined that he was, indeed, “one of the world’s leading authorities on armed conflict”. He is one because they say so.

* Lately the media has also been reporting a story on Trump’s father and the Klan from the 1920s. Doesn’t that mean it’s also fair game to ask media figures and intellectuals to disavow ancestors if it can be determined they ever sympathized with Stalinism? An awful lot of people were killed in the communist purges.

* Damn, the neocons forgot to create their own Cheka/NKVD to deal with the Kulaks.

Are Dzerzkinsky and Kaganovich still alive?

Maybe Nuland and Applebaum can fill that role to deal with evil Nazi Kulaks.

But oh well, they are too busy working with Neo-Nazis in Ukraine against Russia for the moment.

PS. Boot is especially incensed because he is of Russian-Jewish background.

He saw how Jewish Bolshies lost the power to the gentiles.

He sees a replay. He also knows Jews fumbled in the 90s when they could have had it all.

Given Stalin turned on Jews, Boot really means he would rather vote for Trotsky.

Trotsky than Trump. Catchy.

But mentioning Trotsky would give away Neocon origins.

* “Max Boot is a military historian and foreign-policy analyst who has been called one of the “world’s leading authorities on armed conflict” by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. ”

That’s funny. I just heard once again a TV commercial which contends that “Marco Rubio is generally acknowledged to be a foreign policy expert.” About a week or so ago, I heard Karl Rove on one of the Fox News programs giving a scorecard to the various candidates on various issues, and he gave Rubio an A on foreign policy on both style and substance. This is one area where I think Rove is spouting nonsense and acting like a shill. Rove didn’t reveal what standards he wasn’t applying, which are obviously subjective. Rubio is the guy who graduated from South Miami High School with a 2.1 grade average, supposedly earned a football scholarship to Tarkio College in Missouri (which went bankrupt about a year after Rubio left after less than a year), transferred to a junior college before transferring to U of Florida. He has spent five years in the Senate where he supposedly acquired all his foreign policy knowledge. In the meantime, he has endorsed GWB’s war against Iraq, agitated for the war with Libya and has called for no-fly zones over Syria. I see no evidence that he really knows what he is talking about in the area of foreign policy. He is a very shallow lightweight imo. It’s interesting to see how the neoconservatives are always boosting ignorant people for high political positions, like Dan Quayle, GWB, Sarah Palin and now Rubio. Each one an empty slate ready for a “smart” adviser to write policy prescriptions on.

* One thing I’ve been saying for a while to anyone who would listen is that evangelicals never really cared about the Zionist project. Given their support for Trump this is undeniable. The entire evangelical-Zionist alliance was fabricated out of whole cloth. Jews, to their credit, always knew this and openly denied any connection with the crazier Hagee type shills.

* Kanye West said George W. Bush doesn’t care about black people. In truth, the GOP (especially neocons) doesn’t care about White People.

* It’s also worth noting that Boot – a “defense expert” – has never served in the military. He is yet another neo-con chicken-hawk, happily sending (mostly gentile) soldiers off to die and be maimed in wars that he, from the comfort of his well-appointed think-tank office, thinks is worth the price.

* On the ‘marginal’ concept thing in the Sailer takimag article, politicians and candidates need to invoke context along with policy.

Too often, policy issues are dealt with abstractly as ideals and principles.

But all policies only make sense within context.

It’s like we need coat in winter, not in summer.

Just because it kept us warm in winter doesn’t mean it’s good for us in summer.

So, all policies must be seen in relation to context of reality.

Every position by ALL candidates has some validity on its own as a principle… but it must be measured in context of current realities.
It’s like ‘winter coat is good’ is a valid as a concept. But it is only useful in winter, not in all seasons.

So, our position isn’t anti-immigration as a iron eternal policy but anti-immigration for NOW since the system is broken and there are too many costs.

This is where Conservatism has failed. It keeps yammering about principle regardless of context.
It still talks of Russia as if cold war is still on.
It still talks of Jews as if it’s the Holocaust when, in fact, Jews are the most powerful people in the world.

For the longest time, GOP was all about lowering taxes just when the 1% was getting richer than ever. Principle totally apart from context. We need perceptive cons than programmed cons. It’s coming down to Perceptives vs Programmeds.

Given the current context of immigration problems and foreign policy mess, Trump is better than others. Do less invading and less inviting.

* How about this proposal for mutual understanding between Neocons and gentile cons?

Neocons serve their own Jewish interests, and gentile cons serve their own gentile interests.

Gentiles ask no favor from Jews, and Jews ask no favors from gentiles.


I think gentiles would let Jews go and let Jews do their own Jewish thing. The problem is Jews won’t let gentiles go and let gentiles do their gentile thing. Jews must keep gentiles as their tools.

It’s like Willy Loman won’t let Biff go. At least Willy did feel some kind of love for Biff.

But there is only the mentality of a master over slave in the neocon attitude toward the goyim.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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