Monthly Archives: March 2016

‘Every woman has an inner crisis actress waiting for the slimmest pretext to surface.’

Tweets and retweets from the Chateau: * No matter how “conservative” a girl is, the inner SJW always waiting to leap out if deemed advantageous… * Did @MichelleFields deliberately get grabby w trump to provoke reaction from his security detail? … Continue reading

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JTA: Five Shocking Quotes From Israel’s Chief Rabbis

I don’t find these quotes shocking. They are basic Torah or a basic function of social identity (the more strongly you identify with your group, the more likely you are to have negative views of outsiders). (JTA) — Israel’s Sephardic … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Murders Up 84% in Chicago; in Unrelated News, ACLU, White House Cracking Down on Chicago PD for Racism

Comments: * Watch out Dems! Trump’s call for law-and-order might go over big among respectable folk in the black community. * Just goes to show you what Obamaniacs really think of black people. They fiddle while the slaughter proceeds apace. … Continue reading

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The Benefits Of Rounding Up Gangbangers

Steve Sailer writes: According to reporter Sam Quinones, this 11-year-old government program of mass round-ups of gangbangers really works. My recollection was that in 2005, around the time Los Angeles elected its first Mexican mayor in a century, overgrown juvenile … Continue reading

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Trump Is A Realist

From Politico: Trump’s basic philosophy of living, instilled by his fiercely ambitious, workaholic father, enforced by the tough-as-nails coach at his military high school and honed over a lifetime of ruthless deal-making, is fairly simple and severe: Life is mainly … Continue reading

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