Monthly Archives: February 2016

The End of an Era … for White Males?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It is kind of like when the villain goes out of his way explaining to the hero in precise detail how he intends to take over the world. * I know this is kinda concern … Continue reading

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Brendan Eich’s Brave New Browser

Steve Sailer writes: “Brendan Eich, CEO of Mozilla until it was discovered that he had exercised his First Amendment rights as a citizen to participate lawfully in the democratic process, is heading a team building a new browser, alliteratively entitled … Continue reading

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The Political Consultancy Scam

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The more you watch this campaign cycle, the more you see what a scam these political consultants are running. I see these “experts” on TV just pulling out predictions out of thin air. They’ll be … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Power Posing and the Social Science Replication Crisis

Steve Sailer writes: Statistics professor Andrew Gelman and Kaiser Fung write in Slate: The Power of the “Power Pose” Amy Cuddy’s famous finding is the latest example of scientific overreach. By Andrew Gelman and Kaiser Fung As practicing statisticians who … Continue reading

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