Monthly Archives: January 2016

Donald Trump Vs Neo-Cons

Boyd D. Cathey writes: Let’s go deeper: various authors and historians, including Prof. Paul Gottfried, Prof. Claes Ryn, and Gary Dorrien (in his path-breaking volume, The Neoconservative Mind) have documented that the present-day “Mainstream Conservative Movement,” is, in fact, composed … Continue reading

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LAT: Her pink Taser, poisoned hamburger patties and an iPhone: the story of a wife who lured an Orange County fugitive out of Iran

How is this woman allowed to practice law in California? Los Angeles Times: When three men escaped from the Orange County jail, officials quickly decided only one of the escapees possessed the cunning and resourcefulness to mastermind it: Hossein Nayeri, … Continue reading

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National Review, Donald Trump and Moral Bank Accounts

Dennis Prager writes Jan. 26, 2015: National Review’s special issue, “Against Trump” was courageous and important. There is no way to do good in this world without risking making enemies. That National Review was prepared to do that — among … Continue reading

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Israeli Tourism Minister Blasts U.S. Reform Jews, Says Chelsea Clinton’s Wedding Shows Extent of Assimilation

Non-Orthodox Jews, including Reform Jews, will still be around in significant numbers in 200 years, but as each year goes past, Orthodox Judaism plays a bigger role in Jewish life. This has been a steady trend from the 1960s and … Continue reading

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NAACP leader uses F-word to apologize for using T-word after N-word meeting

Report: But after the meeting, while participants were speaking with the media, he was caught on camera saying Channel 12 reporter Monique Griego had “nice tits.” “I can’t believe that someone in his position would not understand how inappropriate that … Continue reading

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