Monthly Archives: January 2016

Marco Rubio Saw Nothing!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Marco Rubio is not one who can, right now at least, claim ignorance of Cuban immigrant cocaine money. Working for his major cocaine trafficker brother-in-law was literally his first job! But he does claim to … Continue reading

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Finding Out Sarah Palin Endorsed Donald Trump

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Charles Darwin’s Pros And Cons Of Marriage

From the Chateau: Charles Darwin – yes, that guy – once drew up a pro and con list for getting married. His list is reprinted here, in readable format. The standard Chateau view of marriage is that it is a … Continue reading

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WP: Prominent Manhattan E.R. doctor, author, TED-talker charged with sexually abusing patients

I love this story. I yearn for the disgrace of every Ted talker. I’m not proud of this part of myself, but I have to admit I have a problem before I can get help. If you know any Ted … Continue reading

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WP: The World’s Best Countries

Washington Post: The votes are in, America, and the best country in the world is… (Drum roll, please.) It’s Germany. Sorry, United States, you’re fourth — right behind third-ranked Britain and second-ranked Canada. But, hey, America beat Sweden! That’s according … Continue reading

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