Monthly Archives: January 2016

NYT: Racial Identity, and Its Hostilities, Are on the Rise in American Politics

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve, the NYT notices Racial Identity, and Its Hostilities, Are on the Rise in American Politics. I’m not sure if I’m imagining a tone to the article but I get a sense of disapproval inherent … Continue reading

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Hollywood Demographics

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Hollywood is a $36.5 billion worldwide box office business. While it only breaks down race for the US the MPAA (google: MPAA Theatrical Market statistics) does list countries and geographic regions. A crude approximation of … Continue reading

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Alexis Arquette drops Will Smith gay sex bombshell

Yep. As queer as a three dollar bill. Comment: “I have always been disgusted by this guy and now I know why. My subliminal senses were working. Me saying for years that if Will Smith is in a movie I … Continue reading

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New Sanders Ad: Bernie’s Fans Are 98% White

Steve Sailer writes: It’s a pretty good ad. A reader writes: If Bernie Sanders didn’t exist, he’d be the politician Chris Pine works for in a made-up Cameron Crowe movie about idealism and soundtracked by Boomer rock That movie, if … Continue reading

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Trump’s Inevitable

National Review: If Donald Trump handily wins Iowa, he’ll likely receive an endorsement from at least one Republican governor, and those two events could set him on a course to become the “inevitable” Republican nominee, Charles Krauthammer said tonight. “If … Continue reading

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