New Sanders Ad: Bernie’s Fans Are 98% White

Steve Sailer writes:

It’s a pretty good ad.

A reader writes:

If Bernie Sanders didn’t exist, he’d be the politician Chris Pine works for in a made-up Cameron Crowe movie about idealism and soundtracked by Boomer rock

That movie, if it existed, would get denounced by lefty internet for being too white.

* So Bernie Sanders supporters are people who want to live like Scandinavians but will do and say everything they can to make their country like Brazil? White people are weird.

* Unlikely that this will come down to a Trump versus Bernie election but if it does then Trump will get 50% of the black vote which will be much smaller than 2008 and 2012 when their zero slave blood redeemer ran.
Seems to me there is little excitement for Hillary among the blacks and Hispanics. They will stay home on election day.

* Who’da thunk that cucking for the angry negresses wouldn’t instantly endear him to colored voters.

It did, unfortunately, have the result of permanently losing the vote of people like me who expect a presidential candidate to be assertive.

* Trump is the big boss man with bravado and bling. I predict he will be a hit with Vibrant-Americans of all colours. Alex Jones has had Trump on his show and likes him. Jones also had Louis Farrakhan on his show yesterday for an hour long interview. Is Jones attempting a “national reconciliation party” in America similar to Alain Soral and Dieudonné in France? That would be interesting. You folks are in for a crazy ride this year.


* Wait, non Whites aren’t moved by Simon and Garfunkel, White farmers and general Americana?

* Bernie has been the second most anti-immigration candidate this round in either party. Of course, the dems in the media are playing that down as much as possible.

Steve has often written about what happens if the Democratic party becomes the openly Black Party. If the Clintons manage to salvage this race in typical dirty fashion, I think we can expect a lot of the racially white, blue-to-white collar dems to stay home out of pique. Sanders has mobilized the white left very well, but has barely touched the “coalition of the ascendant” as they are so aspirationally called.

My read? He’s one step removed from splitting the party along racial lines. The time is not yet opportune, but I suspect that whoever wins in ’16, we can expect some significant movement rightward from white democrats in 2020, like in ’80.

* The old fool is going to put his fingers in his ears and hum “Where Have All The Flowers Gone” while ignoring the existence of all minorities and the last fifty years, huh?

* It would be good for social harmony if Trump won with the help of a respectable percentage of the Black vote.

* Well, it wasn’t a mostly white ad, it was an almost all white, in fact more white than any mainstream GOP candidate would ever dare to run, ad. I’m not sure many GOP cucks would snark on it either because they insist that they never see color and they would be afraid of being called racists for noticing it. The snark will mostly be found on sites like this that are generally GOP hack-free.

If Bernie is truly aware of the problems of mass immigration then why do his Senate votes and policies favor amnesty which leads to more mass immigration? It isn’t because anti-amnesty leaders failed to get his policies to match his rhetoric. There are zero such leaders in the Democratic party and only slightly more than zero in the Republican party. The anti-amnesty base has been pressuring their leaders but their leaders in the Republican party have accepted their votes, then blown them off . That is why Trump has done well, he is the first candidate they have had who might possibly follow through, and the extreme “unrealistic” rhetoric is how he has convinced them.

I suspect Bernie may be aware of the problems of mass immigration but the Democratic base would never tolerate him acting on it. He probably reasons that it is unfortunate that American workers will suffer from it in the short run but it will help turn the US into a one party state like California and once Socialism is in control, somehow the problems will be corrected.

At any rate I’m voting for the guy most likely in order of probability to do something about mass immigration. If Trump gets the nomination he gets my vote. If Bernie is nominated and runs against almost anyone but Trump I’m voting for Bernie.


* You can be sure that American Negro elites (most of whom were really mulatto) complained about the statutes of Africans because they are “ugly” or not handsome like the Europeans. Why do you think American blacks are so devoted to the “one drop rule” and forced hypodescent? They want to improve or whiten their stock. Why do you think that blacks who denounce interracial marriages fall over themselves to marry the offspring of those marriages? Why does the entertainment industry nearly always pair black males with mulatto females? Why were the first and second “black” Miss Americas mulatto?

* German Arno Breker had most of his sculpture destroyed by the Allies–after WWII. Hope my memory’s correct. I’m not sure if the motive was cultural liquidation in all cases, or something more utilitarian.

It’s hard to believe, but the massive destruction (or “management”) of meaningful high culture is done more by knowing, educated elites than by less educated folks who are okay with popular culture.

* If it’s a human analyst fairly and logically recognizing offensive racial patterns for profit, that has been outlawed and deeply vilified in our culture and institutions. Sure.

When machine learning algorithms inevitably start recognizing the same offensive racial patterns and these algorithms are widely understood and have become deeply pervasive in daily industry activity, the whole issue will flip.

Non-racial, non-political customer profiling is an exploding field that is highly profitable and deeply beneficial. This has triggered major shifts in retail sales and advertising. There is an arms race in advancing customer profiling technology. It is inevitable that as customer profiling becomes more sophisticated it will develop more obvious racial/ethnic connections.

Even without a human manually classifying someone as a given race, computers will be able to figure that out.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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