Hollywood Demographics

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Hollywood is a $36.5 billion worldwide box office business. While it only breaks down race for the US the MPAA (google: MPAA Theatrical Market statistics) does list countries and geographic regions. A crude approximation of their box office by race/ethnicity is thus able to be calculated and I have come up with the following:

Blacks – $2 billion (more than half in the US)
Whites – $15 billion (roughly 1/3rd in the US)
Hispanics – $6 billion (roughly 40% in the US)
East Asians – $10 billion (roughly 10% in the US)
Indian subcontinent – $2 billion
Middle East and rest of Asia – $1.5 billion

If anybody should be complaining its the Chinese/Japanese/Koreans that comprise 25% of Hollywood’s box office gross.

I might also point out from a racial breakdown US movie goers are 25% Hispanic, 55% white, 10% black, 10% Asian and other. So if there is a group that is really getting shafted in America its the Hispanics that are punching well above their weight in movie theater ticket purchases.

I might also point out that the Oscars themselves are a production to be sold, and while I haven’t gone out and dug up the numbers, I bet that the demographic there overly skews white female and should therefore put forward the people they want to see the most.

* It could be that just as Jewish overrepresentation and white Christian/gentile underrepresentation within white and overall representation are unnoticed and or considered irrelevant, black overrepresentation and Asian and Hispanic underrepresentation within the diversity or non-white and overall representation are unnoticed and or considered irrelevant.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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