Daily Archives: December 6, 2015

White Debt

Comments to Steve Sailer: * SJWs I used to run into at the dog park would enthusiastically discuss the different qualities of the dogs there based on the breed (usually extolling the virtues of of their particular dog, who was … Continue reading

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Messianic San Bernardino victim was ‘gentile’ supporter of Israel, the Jewish people

(JTA) – While America puzzles over the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, many American Jews are puzzling over an additional element: the religious identity of victim Nicholas Thalasinos. Pictured on his Facebook page wearing a scarf-style tallit prayer shawl, … Continue reading

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Messianic Jews

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A “Messianic Jew” (or “Jew for Jesus”, as we always used to call them in Manchester) is a believer in Jesus as the Messiah, who also follows Jewish customs and laws, to a greater or … Continue reading

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Obama Speech Open Thread

Steve Sailer writes: Transcript Doing my usual In-Depth Command-F analysis, I see the following text strings occurred X times: “refugee” – 0 “asyl” – 0 “migra” – 1, in noting that the San Berdoo victims included immigrants. But just as … Continue reading

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Why Do We Profile?

From the blog Those Who Can See: At the height of the Trayvon Martin affair, we met a young Afro-Canadian who strongly objected to being racially profiled. Drawing on the pool of data at our disposal, we presented, to the … Continue reading

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