Messianic Jews

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* A “Messianic Jew” (or “Jew for Jesus”, as we always used to call them in Manchester) is a believer in Jesus as the Messiah, who also follows Jewish customs and laws, to a greater or lesser extent. Most of them also believe in Jesus’ divinity. They’re Christians.

That said: targeted by an Islamic terrorist for his beliefs (probably), attacked by the gutter press after his death for not being a good enough victim – if there was ever a Messianic Jew that merited honorary membership in the Tribe, it’s the poor deceased.

* Messianic Jews are a major psychic threat to your typical, 90% assimilated Western Jew precisely because of those “random customs”.

Most Jews, like most Western Christians, are not particularly devout. Their Judaism rests in familiar songs, familiar food, familiar rituals, familiar liturgy, and familiar dress: the lighting of candles, the dreidel, the kippah, the tallit, the Hebrew prayers, attending services a couple times a year.

Imagine you could keep all those things, (along with the belief that you are still “chosen” by God and therefore special) but align yourself a bit closer to the dominant Christian culture by professing to believe Jesus was the Messiah.

The incredible seductiveness is that everything would “feel” pretty much the same. Heck, if your kids became “Messianic” you might not even know when they came home for Passover. The prayers, the kippah, the dreidel, the food, the songs, everything would be the same.

But what about THEIR kids? Given the dominating position of Christian culture in the West, it is a tiny, almost imperceptible next step to marrying a Christian, or attending a generic Christian church. And then they are gone forever.

I know Buddhist Jews, agnostic Jews, even atheist Jews. None of them freak out their parents or fellow Jews. Think about it. How strange that a Jew who denies the very existence of God Almighty in ANY form whatsoever is much less of a threat to your typical half-assimilated Jew than a Jew who believes Jesus is the Messiah. Why? Because the atheist Jew will still partake in ritual Jewish life and will marry a Jew. He may be a “draft dodger” (so to speak) but at least he has not “gone over to the enemy’s camp”.

Heck, most Jews aren’t even bothered by the Lubavitcher Jews who say Rabbi Schneerson is the Messiah. Why? The chance that a liberal Jewish kid would go “full Lubavitch” are pretty damn slim (and even if they did, they would still breed race pure). In contrast to Lubavitch Messianists, however, being dissolved into generic, thoughtless, workaday Christianity is incredibly easy, given that their kids are surrounded by Christians and share their values, culture and decadence.

Think of Messianic Jews as a “gateway drug” for half-assimilated Jews (aka “neo-Christians” as Rabbi Tendler calls them) and you can understand their tremendous anxiety and fear.

* All the [New York Daily] News can do these days to stay relevant is write inflammatory columns and headlines to get people to click and read. It’s the only way they can get any money to stay afloat.

What is so troubling to me is that the News claims it knows how to fix terrorism, the NRA, homeless and many other ills that affect Americans. Real important stuff … BUT THEN WHY CAN’T IT FIX ITS BALANCE SHEET TO MAKE A PROFIT? IT IS LOSING MONEY AND STAFFERS ARE QUITTING AND WALKING OUT IN DROVES.

* The news media business model (including the NY Daily News and many other similar newspapers) has been so damaged by the internet that almost all the media outlets (other than TV) have had to become inflammatory clickbait factories. One of the best choices for inflammatory clickbait articles is racial tensions. In essence the news media has had to resort to promoting and developing a race war in order to get clicks and survive. TV news has not had to do this because the internet is not yet at the stage where it can compete with TV news. Now, as for computer geeks like me, I don’t even watch TV any more. But there is still a majority of americans who watch TV. And the really dominant media print outlets like NYT and WaPo etc are still strong enough to be able to avoid stirring up racial tensions via clickbait.

But as for most other media outlets, it comes down to either exploit racial tensions or shut down.

The ironic thing about this dynamic is that the media is hooked directly into corporate profits. The higher profits go, the more ads the corporations can buy in the media.

But this clickbait race-war model that is developing on print media websites is already stirring up a lot of backlash among whites. And whites still make up two thirds of america. The Trump phenomenon is partly fed by the media clickbait race war dynamic. When this white backlash comes to fruition it will shut down mass immigration, which will curtail corporate profits, which will kill off a lot of media outlets. Hoist on their own petard, etc.

* Despite all the self-congratulations we americans indulge in for our freedom of speech, there’s a good reason for the informal rule that sex, politics and religion should not be discussed with outsiders.

* Part of what is going on here is a financial war of attrition in the news media. Newspapers like the Daily News are struggling to survive on the internet. The best way to do that is inflammatory clickbait, and richest soil there is the race war, terrorism fear, etc. These once-haughty newspapers are now having to pander to the “base” instincts of whites who don’t like multiculturalism. They use this race war clickbait to inflame and outrage and get clicks.

You still have the big boys of the newspaper world that refuse to give in to this clickbait race war dynamic. NY Times WaPo et al are still solvent enough to toe the corporate line on anti-white multiculturalism, and they take the moderate, restrained, above it all approach…for the time being…and there are always billionaires willing to fund the continued dissemination of this pro-establishment propaganda.

But outlets like The Daily News –no rich savior in sight–are headed the way of Breitbart or Salon eventually. Choose a side and let the race war commence. The siren call of white readers will eventually send them that way. One by one, they come to that financial fork in the road.

* Thalasinos saved lives.

Farook was manufacturing bombs for a long time, obviously planning to eventually commit an act of terrorism.

If he had patiently waited until he was ready, and had chosen a different target, he could have killed far more than 14 people.

The conservative points of view expressed by Thalasinos at the Christmas party enraged Farook, causing him to act prematurely against a less than ideal target.

* Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Marco Rubio voted to continue to allow large-scale Muslim immigration.

“The amendment, offered Sen. Rand Paul, would have suspended visa issuances to more than 30 Muslim countries with active Jihadist populations.”

* Don’t forget they’ve hired fake black man Shaun King as a “justice correspondent” and regularly publish columns from Al Sharpton. The Daily News has been looking for a buyer with deep pockets for some time now. My guess is that they are trying to attract a SJW type billionaire like the gay Facebook guy who bought the New Republic.

* Mizz Stasi is married to Sid Davidoff, formerly the body man for liberal WASP mayor John Lindsay. Davidoff had some notable run ins with New York’s outer borough white ethnics, who were not to fond of Mr. Lindsay’s patrician style proto-SJWism. He once almost got into a fistfight with Mike Long, future chairman of the New York State Conservative Party and he beat up a young Conservative Party activist named George Marlin, who was handing out campaign literature for William F. Buckley during his run for mayor in 1965. Marlin would be the Conservative parties candidate for mayor in 1993 against David Dinkins and Rudy Giuliani.

* The historian Simon Epstein made almost exactly this point in his book The French Paradox a few years ago.

The loudest antiracists in the 1920s and 1930s in France, including several who had sworn undying love for equality and justice for all, astonishingly became enthusiastic members of the proto-fascist Vichy government and many happily lauded Hitler’s “vision”.

Many others, including such as Sartre and Camus, actually did very little to resist the Germans in practice but spent the post-war years lecturing the world on how to fight oppression.

In fact – against progressive myth – conservative and royalist figures formed the backbone of the resistants aligned with De Gaulle etc.

* More Americans said they had a favorable opinion of North Korea (11 percent) than wanted to than wanted to increase immigration (7 percent). The poll data are overwhelming; politicians will disregard public opinion on this issue at their peril: Remember RINO Eric Cantor and how he lost the primary to David Brat? (Cantor was denying the border was being overrun as the media was showing human waves over taking it during the two weeks before the election)

* Gallup (1/29/15): By a more than 5-to-1 margin (39% vs. 7%), Americans who are dissatisfied with current immigration levels want less rather than more

* Pew (2012): 69% say we should “restrict and control people coming to live in our country more than we do now” (including 59% of Hispanics)

* Reuters (8/7/14): By a nearly 3-to-1 margin (45% vs. 17%), Americans think immigration rates should be reduced, not increased

* Princeton Survey Research Associates (6/23/13): 61% say that there “should be restrictions” on the number of STEM-related foreign workers allowed to enter the U.S.

* Gallup (6/8/14): By a 2-to-1 margin (41% vs. 22%), Americans think immigration should be decreased rather than increased

* The Polling Company (8/14/14): By a staggering 10-to-1 margin (75% vs. 8%), Americans believe that a business seeking workers should raise wages and improve working conditions before hiring new labor from abroad

Why do you think Trump is leading by so great a margin.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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