Monthly Archives: December 2015

Rolling Back The Neo-Cons

The blogger Patterico seems to be moving from neo-con to conservative. Last night, watching the debate, I witnessed a bizarre interchange in which Hugh Hewitt appeared to assert that it is a necessary qualification for the presidency of the U.S. … Continue reading

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Mistrial declared in trial of Officer William Porter in death of Freddie Gray

A reader says: The story gives some information but not three pieces of crucial information: It does give the breakdown between women and men on the jury but it fails to (1) give the breakdown of the Jury by race, … Continue reading

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The Blessings Of Chinese Birth Tourism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The brightest kids in California high schools are assured admission to the best schools in California’s public university system. That’s why: UC Berkley is 40% Asian (32% white) UC Davis is 39% Asian (29% white) … Continue reading

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Chicago Censors Talmud

Jeffrey Goldberg writes in the Forward in 1994: If Graydon Snyder only knew that he would be convicted of sexual harassment for teaching the Talmud, he might have kept his mouth shut. But Mr. Snyder, a Bible professor at the … Continue reading

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Sharia in Boston: Judge Orders Pastor to Learn and Study Islam

Pamela Geller writes: After the Boston jihad bombing, it appears that the city of Boston has utterly surrendered and submitted to Islam. “Boston Strong,” my eye. As you know, my organization is heading to the Supreme Court to contest the … Continue reading

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