The Blessings Of Chinese Birth Tourism

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The brightest kids in California high schools are assured admission to the best schools in California’s public university system. That’s why:

UC Berkley is 40% Asian (32% white)
UC Davis is 39% Asian (29% white)
UC Irvine is 46% Asian (16% white)
UCLA is 30% Asian (27% white)

By population, California is 12% Asian, the US is 4% Asian.

Sine my son was a math and science kid in high school in a university town, naturally most of his “friends” were Asian. They all complained bitterly about quotas and policies that kept their numbers so low in the best colleges. They followed university admissions policies and racial demographics like baseball.

* If you’re one of those people for whom seeing is believing, take your pick of these videos:

Al Jazeera offers a nice, in depth video, hosted by a very pleasant woman in a hijab, for the benefit of Earth’s 1.5 billion Muslims who might be trying to figure out how to get a foothold in the USA:

The video is titled “Birth tourism delivers a new generation of US citizens.”

* “Birth tourism — illegally spending just enough time in America so your child can exploit America’s naive birthright citizenship rule — demonstrates the cash scarcity value of American citizenship that America’s leadership seems intent on giving away to random foreign grifters.”

A nation of drifters and grifters.

* I think the technical term for that is “diaspora.”

* Within the German ethny, you are generally better off with a higher IQ German.

Bringing in higher IQ Chinese introduces a whole suit of different characteristics beyond IQ, such as conscientiousness, inherent honesty, empathy for strangers/kin, aesthetic sensibility, etc.

You don’t see too many people moving to China for the ambiance and cultural appeal. If you are going to do eugenics, let us choose an appealing end stage.

* How about we call chinese-’american’ kids born this way ‘dumplings’?

They are dumped over here.

As for Americans that allow this, I guess they are Dim Sum.

* We can deny visas for any reason. Coming here solely for birth is a form of fraud.

* The parachute kids (high school Chinese kid without parents) and astronaut kids (high school Chinese kid and mom, with Dad back in China) are a great deal for the Chinese national parents, a total scam/rip-off for the USA and USA taxpayers : the Chinese national gets high school and language education; graduating from a US high school gets them residency status in college, so the Chinese national parents can pay in-state tuition. With just one or two years you magically become Asian-American, at least to the colleges (and in college statistics), not a Chinese national or international student. And the parents didn’t have to invest anything. Doesn’t matter if there here legally or not. Of course birth scammers are even worse.

* I spent several hours at that mall last weekend while my wife shopped. To amuse myself I would stand in one spot and keep a mental tabulation of how many identifiably White and non-White people I saw. In the heart of supposedly old White Orange County the White people proportion came to 19%. Also, I didn’t do an actual count, but the number of women in head scarves seemed to be pretty close to the number of Chinese women. OC has imported huge numbers of Islamic techies in addition to the East Asian ones, plus UC Irvine is heavily Asian. What was dismaying was the young women with their mothers, and sometimes the daughters wore scarves while their first gen mothers did not.
The mall itself is showing a heavy drift to the upper scale. One end looks like an upscale Tokyo, Dubai or Shanghai shopping district with a parade of one ultra luxury European store after another, a Nordstrom at the anchor end to provide lower cost relief, and Tiffany’s as the comparatively downscale American entry. Even the La Perla store we drop into once a year to buy $400 Italian ladies underwear has remodeled and gone even further up the scale than it already was. The check-out counter is behind a wall so the crass commercial aspects are hidden from sight, and all the saleswomen are wearing the same severe black dresses with identical make-up, hosiery, jewelry and hair. (Picture what Mussolini’s secretaries would have looked like). What remains of the shabby Sear’s complex at the downhill end of the mall is probably not long for it.
San Marino is another old White center which now has large number of Chinese kids living alone and attending San Marino High. When I used to work in the area I sometimes went to a great burger place that was popular with the San Marino High kids. These Chinese kids would zoom in with their Porsches and BMWs and try to cheat the owners by ordering water with lunch but filling the cups with soda at the fountain. The poor schlub owner would swoop on them and confiscate their sodas while the princelings laughed derisively.

* Birth tourism interdiction is influenced primarily by two forces:
1. ICE bureaucracy, with internal communications snafus, inconsistent policies, personal agendas social engineering, all supported by, or subject to, outdated technology;
2. Washington political weathervane that moves in response to real or imagined need for Chinese support for Treasury market stability.
The two interact with all the efficiency and transparency that we’ve come to expect after years of government training.

* Here’s the shocking thing: it’s NOT illegal. Intending to go to the USA for birth tourism is not a valid reason to deny someone a visa. Our consular officers in embassies are supposed to issue visas to birth tourists, assuming they would otherwise qualify for a tourist visa. Whether they’re pregnant or intending to give birth is not supposed to be considered.

* The US is simultaneously importing a new overclass and underclass. We are witnessing the changes, but even if we are noticing some amount of Überfremdung , over-foreignization, it’s happening slowly enough that few are panicking.

As for unintended consequences, they will be massive. The middle class is vanishing paralleling the European-Americans slow retreat from cultural and economic dominance. We probably wouldn’t be able to recognize our future society. Neil Blomkamp’s vision in Elysium might not be so far off, but perhaps we should expect that the faces of those residing safely and comfortably apart mostly will have Asian traits.

That the Asian-Americans have an acute class consciousness is no surprise. I also work at a part-time retail job in a market that has a huge presence of Asian immigrants. It’s a high-priced kind of place that caters to highly paid professionals at the high end of the SES. Even though the organization is a very progressive non-profit co-op that is very committed to diversity and our stores customers are predominantly south and east Asian, it’s uncanny how very few of the colleagues at the store are also ethnically south and east Asian. Apparently these princes and princesses might be too good to work retail. These are usually at least polite, but when I asked a a colleague who transferred to our store from a branch in New York City how the customers here in the northwest are different, he said they are much snobbier here.

* Despite their collective high IQ scores, the Chinese collectively carry a trait one might call “emotionally autistic.” This would diminish their edge significantly in their ethnic cleansing role.
The history of a race might be the best measure of what to expect in the future, and China doesn’t self-govern very well, and haven’t fared well when challenged and under significant pressure, as the Japanese would tell you.
I recall reading that prior to WWII, we had sent them dive-bombers for their use to repel the Japanese. After training, the Chinese were apt to bomb themselves, so much so that they begged us to send our own pilots to fly our own planes for bombing runs. In one incident, they bombed their own major department store, it was like their version of Macy’s, killing or maiming hundreds of their own citizens.
The Chinese pilot had bombed it because he thought he saw a Japanese Zero fighter, and immediately dropped his bomb load so he could flee. Turned out not to be a Japanese fighter. This didn’t mitigate the dead Chinese in their bombed out “Macy’s.”
That was the final incident that sent their diplomats begging for our help, as flying a bombing run proved too intense for our Chinese friends.
I suspect IQ, and sound judgement under duress, can be somewhat mutually exclusive traits, so I’d hold off on the ethnic cleansing of Germans, if I were you.

* Le Figaro’s top two articles today are about illegal Chinese immigration and Chinese passport fraud. The worst thing about being Chinese is that you have to live around Chinese people, it would appear.

* The Germans are the most accomplished high culture people on the planet of the past three centuries.

The Americans are the most accomplished mid/low culture people.

The idea that these peoples can be improved by importing hundreds of millions of Chinese is foul and demonic.

* Was Hitler practicing his own interpretation of HBD when he tried to exterminate Slavs? Given that Slavic IQ is 2-4 points lower than German IQ. The reason that HBD must be suppressed especially if its real is that how long will it take until people start combining Social Darwinism and HBD and conclude that certain races like the Gypsies or Blacks deserve to be exterminated because of inferior IQ? I.e. the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

* White civilized society is very attractive to outsiders because white people treat others as they wish others would threat them. Too bad outsiders do not feel the same way. If they did Trump would not be succeeding.

* As for orientals, particularly Chinese, they combine high cognitive characteristics with low creativity and low empathy for others. There is a place for them in the world, and it is called-I know this is shocking to some-China.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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