Monthly Archives: December 2015

The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (1994)

Robert Stacy McCain writes: Charles Murray (@charlesmurray on Twitter) co-authored with the late Richard Herrnstein one of the most controversial books of the 20th century, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (1994). When it was first … Continue reading

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What Do You Do For Americans With Two Digit IQs?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bring back those low-skilled, labor-intensive industries we outsourced to China. Trump has the right idea here and I predict it will appeal to working class people of all races, who are bright enough to understand … Continue reading

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Conservative Principles & The Iraq Invasion Of 2003

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Not that I was aware of Ross Douthat back in 2002-03, but I recall reading later, around the time he was named as the NYTimes’ youngest columnist in history, that he was not only a … Continue reading

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Heredity Uber Alles

Steve Sailer writes: I finally saw the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie, which is much like the old Star Wars movie of 1977…. As with Harry Potter and many other recent blockbusters, the central theme remains Heredity Uber … Continue reading

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2016 Election Shaping Up As Battle Of The Sexes

From the Chateau: COTW winner (repeat winner?) shartiste succinctly illuminates the battle tactics of the female id versus the male id. Hillary vs. Trump is gonna be a great source for CH. Its unrestrained man vs unrestrained woman. The unrestrained … Continue reading

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