2016 Election Shaping Up As Battle Of The Sexes

From the Chateau:

COTW winner (repeat winner?) shartiste succinctly illuminates the battle tactics of the female id versus the male id.

Hillary vs. Trump is gonna be a great source for CH. Its unrestrained man vs unrestrained woman.

The unrestrained man builds monuments to himself, fucks hot chicks, and speaks his mind.
The unrestrained woman manipulates, lies, and social climbs her way to as much privilege as possible.

Give or take a little overlap (as with all things in the panoply of sex-based psychological traits), this is basically spot on. This election is shaping up to be a Battle Royale along a number of fronts: High/Low vs Middle, Elite vs Prole, Insane vs Sane, r-selected vs K-selected, Third World Swarms vs White Native Stock, and the “unrestrained man” vs the “unrestrained woman”. A confluence of so many societal and political fault lines like what is Happening now comes rarely; 2016 could be the Year of the Ids.


COTW runner-up is The Question, offering a psychological diagnosis of the Left,

Theory of mine: The Left’s relationship with white men is akin to a borderline personality disorder girlfriend and her boyfriend, properly summarized in the “I hate you!/Don’t leave me!” slogan. They hate us, but they don’t want us to go anywhere. They want us to stay and do what we’re told because they need us or think they need us but they also hate us for that very reason.

On one hand, the Left insists we “need to be stopped!” We’re racists, we’re oppressive, we’re bigoted. We’re full of prejudice. We’re dangerous with all our guns.

i.e. I hate you!

On the other hand, they decry “white flight” when we move away from the city and into suburbia or out of leftist states. So they implement affordable housing requirements for residential buildings and Section 8 housing in apartment complexes or zoning and growth management policies to ensure people can’t choose who to associate with. Or they just scream racism and try to shame people into wanting to move away.

Also, anything that is predominantly white male, whatever it is, has to be “diversified.”

i.e. Don’t leave me!

You realize how ridiculous this sounds when you compare it to nativists or anti-illegal immigration types. Whatever one might think about them, they actually believe what they say when they complain about illegal immigration being a problem, so if illegal immigrants left their communities they wouldn’t scream about “(fill in the blank color) flight” or accuse them of racism for trying to leave.

Again, it has to be some form of BSD inherent in the political ideology. That’s the best explanation I’ve been able to come up with for their contradictory attitudes.

The Left is filled to brimming with effeminate men and masculine women. The Degenerate Freak Party caters to the needs of these Darwinian lab mistakes. That so many leftoids possess characteristics similar to skankpot drama whores with daddy issues is not a surprise; give them an inch (act beta) and they take a mile, but refuse to get caught up in the whirlwind of their childish emoting (act alpha) and they back the fuck down and assume their welcome submission to their betters.

In other words, America is crying out as loudly as she can for the irresistible ministration of a charismatic jerkboy.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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