Daily Archives: November 22, 2015

KU professor who used n-word in class discussion is placed on leave

News: A Kansas University professor who used the n-word during a class discussion about race is on leave while the university investigates a discrimination complaint against her. Andrea Quenette, assistant professor of communication studies, said she was notified Friday morning … Continue reading

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Invite The World, Invade The World

Comments: In a way, the policy of INVITE is linked with INVADE. If West goes for INVADE but not INVITE, it sends the message that the West is at war with the Muslim world. It turns into an issue of … Continue reading

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Israel & Assad

Comments: “Israel had no problem with Assad except when he was acting as Iran’s errand boy. The border with Syria has been quiet with 30+ years. A stable dictatorship is good to work with – they are a known quantity … Continue reading

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Philip Weiss: The way for Americans to take on the Islamic state is to end support for Jewish nationalism

Jews tend to fear all nationalisms (which almost by definition exclude Jews) except Jewish nationalism. Nationalism is on the march in the world today. Islamic nationalism, Jewish nationalism, white nationalism, French nationalism, black nationalism, Japanese nationalism. Nationalism is the most … Continue reading

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Hate Is As Natural As Love

From Heartiste: This is so sad, but not for the reasons ankle-biters think. A Frenchmanlet (you’ll understand the appellation in a minute), lost his wife, a fetching White woman, to the Muslim murderers in Paris, and now raises his infant … Continue reading

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