Invite The World, Invade The World

Comments: In a way, the policy of INVITE is linked with INVADE.

If West goes for INVADE but not INVITE, it sends the message that the West is at war with the Muslim world. It turns into an issue of us versus them.

And that would rob the West of the moral justification to INVADE and intervene.

After all, if the West hates the Muslim world and sees it as the enemy, the West should stay out of the Middle East, and ALL Muslims should hate the US(and the aggressive West).

The only way the West can justify its INVADE policy in the Middle East is to show that it ‘cares’ about all those Muslims. ‘We want to save you, not kill you.’

US did the same in Vietnam. ‘We want to save you, not destroy you.’

To destroy Vietnam, US had to act like it was saving it.

Same goes for the Middle East. The West cannot leave the region cuz of Israel and Jewish agenda. So, it needs some kind of moral justification.

So, even as the West treats the Muslim world as the enemy in its military actions, it must act like it is full of compassion for the Muslim world in ‘humanitarian’ matters.

Hug warmly and beat with a big stick.

PS. For those who say it is un-american for US to reject ‘refugees’, I would say it is un-american for American to pursue foreign policy that creates these ‘refugees’ in the first place.

Neo-imperialism is un-American.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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