Philip Weiss: The way for Americans to take on the Islamic state is to end support for Jewish nationalism

Jews tend to fear all nationalisms (which almost by definition exclude Jews) except Jewish nationalism.

Nationalism is on the march in the world today. Islamic nationalism, Jewish nationalism, white nationalism, French nationalism, black nationalism, Japanese nationalism. Nationalism is the most powerful political ideology in the world now according to John J. Mearsheimer.

I believe in nationalism for all peoples. I like to see all peoples working in their group’s interest, though I believe that above all group interests are God and His moral demands, but that’s tricky because my conception of God and His moral demands is filtered through my particular people and their tradition.

I always find a benefit in reading Mondoweiss, even though its point of view is so different from my own (they are on the left, they are anti-Zionist, while I am on the right and I am pro-Zionist).

Philip Weiss writes: An anti-Zionist in the war for the soul of Judaism, I call on all American Jews to examine how much of their support or tolerance of a Jewish state has a religious character – in the vision of Jewish agency as a redemptive historical force and answer to the Holocaust and the Jewish question in Europe. Secular Jews who prize their freedom in the United States must come to grips with the ideas of Jewish superiority and uniqueness that have propelled Zionist landgrabs and Jim Crow across Palestine to this day. Secular Jews who celebrated the Egyptian peace treaty and Oslo accords must reckon with their celebration of deals in which 80 million Arabs were put on ice in Egypt by the west and another 6 million in Palestine just so the Jewish state could continue in peace. Neoconservatives must come to terms with their promotion of a war that would stabilize Israel by destroying the great Arab cities of Baghdad, Damascus and Aleppo so far, with hundreds of thousands of Muslim victims–whose national colors are not displayed in grief on the Empire State Building, the Freedom Tower, or the Sydney Opera House. Till we undertake that inventory, there won’t be peace in the Middle East, or the west either.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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