Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Pacific

Jennifer Senior writes a New York Times book review on Simon Winchester’s latest — Pacific: But what I learned most unexpectedly, to my depressed amazement, is how much the United States of today has in common with Australia … of … Continue reading

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Blacks On Juries

I served on a jury in Inglewood circa 2003 for a black man who blew blood alcohol tests way above the legal limit. He was clearly guilty but the three blacks on the jury said that enough young black men … Continue reading

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Conversion, Attachment & Addiction

In my experience, most converts to Orthodox Judaism are unconsciously trying to fill a hole in their soul, fill up a deep sense of emptiness stemming from a lack of attachment (aka an unhappy childhood) and that without deep inner … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: NYT Catches On, Finally … Sort of: “A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Polish soccer fans stand in defiance of “refugee” invasion and unveil huge banner. Pretty intimidating. * It may get worse? But I thought making White countries more “diverse” (that is less White) was always good? … Continue reading

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George Soros Is Bad News For Israel

If you are on the left, you usually believe that racial, ethnic and religious differences are unimportant compared to social and economic differences. So leftists generally despise ethno-states such as Israel. If you identify more with the left than with … Continue reading

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