Steve Sailer: NYT Catches On, Finally … Sort of: “A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Polish soccer fans stand in defiance of “refugee” invasion and unveil huge banner. Pretty intimidating.

* It may get worse? But I thought making White countries more “diverse” (that is less White) was always good?

* But, Steve, surely the point is that ‘open borders’ is the prevailing political orthodoxy of our times – hammered in by the real opinion formers, movers and shakers behind the politicians – and all we are seeing now is the prelude to the actual opera.

Yes, the NYT might express faux alarm now, to garner a few controversial headlines and salacious stories, but don’t you think that the softening up process, the ‘shock therapy’ to a *real* regime of open borders – which means exactly what the label describes – has only just begun, and so far is working to plan?

I mean the whole idea is to habituate white Europeans, either by a process of ramping up gradualism, or by punctuated equilibrium of shocks, that somehow massive immigration to the point of displacement and extinction, is ‘normal’ and ‘inevitable’.

* When ISIS was headlines on cable news everyday, Sean Hannity was joined via satellite by a today Christian Crusader who looked like captain America, a straight T.E. Lawrence, he was wearing this garment that looked like a cool rug. He was locked and loaded and fightin on side one of the good guys over there. Frankly the thing screamed V for Vendetta set-up media. I don’t think that’s quite legal yet what he was doing as a US citizen, and the mien was too remarkable to feel real. But I strongly support the matter whether truth or vapid propaganda. Muslims got more heroes than we do right now, and I sense the jig is up in a sense, America is not going to walk into the middle of muslim civil war when it spent a damn decade trying to leave one, because the sand wars are not conducive for uncle sam heroes, basically, but Christian heroes…. Yeah I think the jig is up and coming. One of them politico type sites splashed a small truth from time out of mind and the timing was well enough on time I guess. When good people do the right thing nations really do heal. I’m serious. Because unhappy the land in need of heroes. “Unhappy the land in Need of Heroes.”

* The first five minutes of Al Jazeera’s “The Stream – Young and alone in Sweden” are amazing. Within minutes the host’s breadth is taken away as a Swedish official presents the current figures regarding the arrivals of “unaccompanied minors”. The already high figures just reported by Al Jazeera were outdated and way too low. Next, a person representing the “Swedish association for unaccompanied minors” who was said to have arrived to Sweden in 2012 is asked why he chose Sweden as his destination. He replies that he spent the whole summer of 2009 there – with his sister’s family – and that he liked the caring and good-hearted people…

* Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Croatia (plus Austria minus Vienna) are all saying NO! along with the former DDR and Bavaria.

We are seeing a belt of conservative nationalist regimes rejecting the dictates of Brussels and Merkel coalescing in the former Habsburg lands (plus former DDR/Bavaria).

* Leftists relentlessly pushes policies that must inevitably result in either the extinction of their own societies or a return of Hitlerism. Like the scorpion on the frog, it is their nature.

* Sweden should make immigrants a deal. Each migrant should be given a Swedish-Arabic dictionary and grammar book upon arrival. After one year, anyone who can speak fluent Swedish and has no criminal record should be allowed to stay an extra year. Those that are gainfully employed and still law-abiding should be given long-term residency. Everyone else should be deported with prejudice.

* None of these “refugees” want to go to Eastern European countries, everybody knows that they’re poor and extremely xenophobic, they want UK, Germany, Sweden, France, Norway…

* I guess you use “Ms. Merkel” in imitation of the style guide of the NYT, Steve. I’d prefer you use Dr. Merkel, to reflect that she has a doctorate in physical chemistry.

I think that fact goes a long way to explain her: elementary particles don’t recall what other particles have collided with them in the past and have to be considered fundamentally equal. Extend this philosophy to people and you get her response to 2015′s invasion.

* The jizya was a tax levied by Muslims on non-Muslim subjects. It’s now being levied in four of Britain’s biggest prisons.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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