Monthly Archives: November 2015

Who’s Got The Most Victimhood Points?

American Jewish historian Peter Novick writes in his book The Holocaust in American Life: …the decline in American of an integrationist ethos (which focused on what Americans have in common and what unites us) and its replacement by a particularist … Continue reading

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What’s Good For Jews Is Sometimes Bad For Others

American Jewish historian Peter Novick writes in his book The Holocaust in American Life: …From the 1970s on, the growth sector in the Jewish organizational world consisted of old and new “schrei gevalt” agencies, while those with other agendas, like … Continue reading

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Time & Tension

The two primary causes of unnecessary muscular tension are feeling like you need to hurry (too much to do and not enough time to do it in) and feeling like you have to be perfect. As I was getting some … Continue reading

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Conversations With A Jewess

She said: I started telling white liberals I’m racist. They actually love it. They think all whites are racist regardless of political affiliation including themselves by virtue of being white. Funny how these things work out sometimes. Do Jews have … Continue reading

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Blacks Sleep Less Than Whites

Peter Frost writes: African Americans sleep on average almost an hour less than do Euro Americans. The two groups have mean sleep times of 6.05 hours and 6.85 hours. This finding has recently been discussed by Brian Resnick in National … Continue reading

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