Monthly Archives: November 2015

Terror In Paris

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’m also very afraid for Syrian refugees, and Afghani refugees, and Iraqis and Iranians and anyone else who has run to Europe. Suspicion is bound to be cast upon them, and there may be backlash. … Continue reading

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How About A White Boycott?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A Christian boycott, now that’s an interesting idea. Of course it will never work. The last time anything remotely like that had any effect was when John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus … Continue reading

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France’s Immigration Disaster

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Well, Steve, French immigration policy has been an utter disaster for 50 years or more. There is no point in reminding readers of the genesis of the disaster – the apparent need to import ‘cheap’ … Continue reading

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David Brooks Pushing For More Immigration

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Building a physical wall across the southern border is not reality.” Is that wall along the Israeli border just a mirage in the desert, then? Maybe Brooks should ask his son, who’s serving in the … Continue reading

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Who’s To Blame For The Paris Massacre?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I suggest the investigation into said complicity start at the top with Mr. Hollande, Sarkozy and the host of other elites who have opened up Europe. * According to the dictionary, a xenophobe is “one … Continue reading

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