Who’s To Blame For The Paris Massacre?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I suggest the investigation into said complicity start at the top with Mr. Hollande, Sarkozy and the host of other elites who have opened up Europe.

* According to the dictionary, a xenophobe is “one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.” Is there any such term for those who have an unduly amount of self-hatred for their own kind? It seems one is needed since this crisis was not caused by xenophobes, but rather those of the self-hating variety.

* European voters can be pretty myopic and forgetful, but it’s pretty hard to ignore that there has been such recent controversy about letting this vast wave of immigrants into Europe, and now it has borne bitter fruit so soon. And they are still coming. What chance the Eastern Europeans taking any now? How can liberals in the West really tar them as racist Islamophobes when they refuse to accept them as a security risk? And how are the hundreds of thousands already here now going to be processed and checked? What responsibility will Angela Merkel and Germany have to take? Just how many potential terrorists were there amongst the recent influx? What moral authority does the EU have left when it comes to negotiations with Britain (or anyone) over EU membership and the border arrangements that go with it?

* Every time some right-wing gentile nut carries out violence, we should say, “It could also lend weight to Europhobic arguments of Jewish supremacists like Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, and George Soros.”

Don’t blame the right-wing killer. Blame those shameless and unscrupulous Europhobes who would dare to exploit the issue for political gain.

* Below is a fairly easy to understand argument, one I’ve not heard before, in favor a moratorium on further mass Muslim immigration into the United States:

Stereotypes are useful when the sample size is large.

Thus while it is true that the overwhelming majority of Muslim immigrants and their children do not fit the stereotype of being potentially violent jihadis or jihadi sympathizers hostile to the West, a not insignificant minority do, around 10% according to Pew. Like all stereotypes — or, at least, all stereotypes that become widely shared — this one too contains a kernel of truth.

It follows that if we go forward and allow ten thousand Syrian refugees into the country as the Obama administration has already started to do (http://goo.gl/P67urG), we are likely to be letting up to a thousand future terrorists and terrorist sympathizers into our midst.

Is this something any responsible politician would want us to do?”

I hope Trump uses this argument in the weeks ahead.

* I wonder how many victims of this attack were Jewish? The Bataclan Theater is Jewish owned and has been attacked by Islamists in the past. Similarly, the rock band Eagles of Death Metal have often visited Israel and one of their members is a self-confessed neo-con.

Although the band members escaped injury, this attack may be bad news for Jewish business interests in Paris. After this, whenever Parisians go out on the town they are going to start asking themselves if the place they are going to is Jewish owned. If it is, they may decide it’s safer not to go there.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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