How About A White Boycott?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* A Christian boycott, now that’s an interesting idea. Of course it will never work. The last time anything remotely like that had any effect was when John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus — and a few records got smashed on the sidewalk.

May I suggest a white boycott? Anyone who’s read Atlas Shrugged remembers when John Galt went on strike and the world fell apart. It would be like that.

It’s a shame we can’t all move to Mars and look back and laugh.

Anyway, these protests, like most, are all camera angles and staging. Ron is right (as always): It’s a Hollywood trick, like using a small group of extras to create the illusion of a vast crowd.

Life goes on as we who make the world go ’round keep getting up every morning and going to work.

* Some guy on Reddit performs an age cohort analysis on Swedish migration flows and notes that they’re approaching the point of having 16 year old male Swedes soon becoming a minority thanks to the disproportionate numbers of unaccompanied male minors.

To summarize, there were 52,562 sixteen-year old boys in Sweden, but 30% of them were immigrants, leaving 36,793 Swedish boys or 2nd generation+ immigrants boys. In the week under study, 2,164 unaccompanied children arrived, 91% of whom are male and if patterns from previous years hold, then 32% of the children are 16 years old, resulting in 630 male refugee 16 year olds added to Sweden per week.

When these new invaders are added to the 15,767 male immigrant 16-year olds, then after 33 weeks of similar invader flows, male 16 years old Swedes become a minority in their own nation.

Bonus finding – 91% of unaccompanied minors are male, so this should make the Chinese and Indian sex imbalance ratios minor footnotes to the immediate sex imbalance that Sweden is going to face.

* The mizzou protests were indeed selected out by the powerful corporate media and promoted to high visibility in order to advance an agenda of the media and their corporate advertisers (which fund the media). Since we are talking about corporations in action here, let me suggest that money has something to do with it all. Imagine that. That money might influence corporate actions.

Now, tonight we have yet another example of how the corporate media selects a few opinions and presents them as some sort of tidal wave of grassroots, populist outrage.

When france closed its borders today, Rob Lowe took to twitter and said something to the effect of “NOW France closes its borders.” An opinion totally in line with the paleo/dissident Right online zeitgeist, of course. I would guess Rob Lowe reads some of the same sites many of us do.

Anyway, the media reacted immediately to Lowe’s transgression by selecting a few tweets in response to Lowe’s statement. The tweets selected by the media were of course anti-Lowe, and the gist of the media slant on Lowe’s statement is that Lowe was taunting France.

Again, we see the corporate media enforcing ideological hegemony, punishing high-status offenders quickly and effectively.

Really, Lowe was not taunting france, but its leaders. And we know that leaders are separate from the people.

Anyway, yes, the media, academia and govt and hollywood and all the big corporations use a small population of SJWs (typically funded via nonprofit foundations that are funded by the plutocrats, big corporations, K street lobbyists, etc). The media presents SJW opinion as representing some populist groundswell, when of course these SJWs are simply tools of the media and its corporate advertisers. The media encourages black protests because these protests serve the economic interests of the corporate media and its corporate advertisers.

And what agenda does the media have? Economic growth, GDP, profit growth, all of which come from population growth, at least to a large degree. And how do these “refugees” and other immigrants figure into increasing the population growth? An exercise for the reader….

* What is happening in Yale and Mizzou is actually more important than Paris, strange though that may seem.

US academics have been the biggest single threat to the West for two generations, far more than ISIS.

Now at last, they are feeling the heat and their minority friends have just discovered how much fun they can have on campus at their expense.

* UCLA’s student body is 2.9% black. Yale’s student body is 6% black. UCLA is twice as Hispanic as Yale is, though.

But generally, it’s absolutely true that the average student couldn’t give a damn. Particularly since most of them are Asian with decidedly non-PC views of blacks.

* See if you can watch Friday night’s Real Time with Bill Maher – if you don’t have HBO, maybe a friend who does can show it to you on demand, or you can find it online. That episode touches on the Missouri nonsense, immigration, the attacks in Paris, and the White Death. It was pretty extraordinary.

The nominal conservative on the panel was the black former Lt. Gov of Maryland / Senate candidate / RNC head Michael Steele, and the other two members were Jay Leno and the former CNBC / MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan. In an nutshell:

– Steele was (surprise!) sympathetic to the black college activists.

– They all thought Trump’s invocation of Ike and Operation Wetback was beyond the pale. Jay Leno said 88 Mexicans died during the deportations.

– In the final, “new rules” segment, Maher mentioned White Death and mocked whites for killing themselves when they have it so easy.

* I’m a professor. I spend most of my time on university campuses, either my own, my alma mater, or ones hosting conferences. I have seen many, many protests. I have never seen more than a few hundred people at them; usually it’s closer to ten or twenty. The analysis in the post is accurate. The vast, vast majority of students and faculty don’t care enough to get involved.

* If you look at the broader numbers in Germany, there are about 10 million men between the ages 20-40 (I.e., of prime reproductive age). Of course those 10 million already include lots of non-whites. The estimates are that 1.5 million refugees will arrive by the end of the year, 75% of whom are men between about 20-40. That means that, almost overnight, these mostly Muslim really migrants will comprise 10% of the men in Germany of prime reproductive age.

The median age of men in Germany is 45.4. The median age of women in Germany is 47.6. For the purposes of reproduction over half the population of Germany is effectively dead.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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