Daily Archives: October 27, 2015

Is David Brooks Converting To Christianity”

From CJR: Brooks reveals little of his personal life, either in columns, books, or interviews. He threads Christian theology through his recent work, yet won’t say whether he has converted to anything (though he’ll say vaguely that he’s integrating with … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: White House Denounces FBI for Doubting the Narratives

Steve Sailer writes: That’s what happened in the 1960s. Liberals like the Warren Court and the Lindsay Administration in NYC took control of the criminal justice Narrative, blacks acted out, and the police retreated to the donut shop. Here’s a … Continue reading

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Should Donald Trump Embrace Economist Raj Chetty?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Obama, Cameron and Merkel have failed and yet they cannot see it. They have turned the Middle East and soon Europe into a giant disaster zone, left the West up to its eyeballs in debt … Continue reading

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Will Seventh-Day Adventist Questions Fail Donald Trump?

Stereotypes are usually true. For instance, about Seventh-Day Adventists, the two main stereotypes are that they are very nice healing people and that they are a bunch of apocalyptic wackos. From my experience growing up as the son of an … Continue reading

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Weekly Standard: Jewish Immigration Group Fights to Bring Syrian Refugees to America

I hope the Syrian refugees all move into Park Slope and Westchester and Foggy Bottom, where the elites in Washington live. I wonder what the Israelis would do to a prime minister that was determined to make the Jews a … Continue reading

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