Should Donald Trump Embrace Economist Raj Chetty?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Obama, Cameron and Merkel have failed and yet they cannot see it. They have turned the Middle East and soon Europe into a giant disaster zone, left the West up to its eyeballs in debt and with dysfunctional cities, and yet they pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves for being “sensible” and “measured”. They claim to be great businessmen and yet depend for their wealth on the ability to borrow at 0%. I wish I could.

Trump for America.

Orban/Le Pen for Europe.

Farage for the UK.

But still we vote for these people, because we was to be thought “sensible” and “responsible”. Sensible needs to be added to the list of words that mean the opposite of what they’re supposed to mean like “vibrant” and “nuanced”. “Calm down” also means: “the problem is so enormous that I am going to bury my head in the sand and pretend it away”.

* The orgasmic delight the MSM pundits have been enjoying in reporting that ghetto kids moved to middle class areas do slightly better than those who stay in ghettos seems to never be accompanied by what happens to the middle class kids who have to go to school with them. There seems to be an unstated, unproved assumption that as long as the area stays majority middle class, the underclass minority does no harm.

I have no data, but have seen first hand what a few underclass kids can do to a middle class school district.

First off, if an area becomes 10% underclass, the impact on the local school is far greater. The underclass families are younger and bigger, and none go to private school. This alone means that a 10% underclass local population is more like a 20% underclass public school. But what further happens is that members of the local resident’s extended family start showing up in the local schools. Sometimes this is to get out of a bad school, but quite often it is because the kid was expelled from their local school so they re-register in Auntie’s suburban district using her address. This effect then increases the underclass percentage to 25%. At that point you have a more than doubled special education population, declining parent involvement, and families with kids moving away or switching to private schools, creating a death spiral where the schools get worse and worse.

The end result is that in the space of 20 years you can have 50% of the white population, but 80% of the white population with school age children, abandon a suburb, in the process losing what may be their entire life savings in the form of home equity.

* 99.44% impure?

Remember the name of the soap.

* What happens when we run out of majority to lift up and pull the minority along?

* “Improving “entire neighborhoods” is far too modest an ambition. We need to improve entire cities, states, nations,”

You know, about starting with not undermining the current American nation?

Seriously, the Chetty/Brooks/Clinton idea is that we can sprinkle the tiny number of minorities all around the vast white majority … but there isn’t a vast white majority anymore. The only way the Chetty/Brooks/Clinton idea begins to be at all plausible numerically is if you combine it with shutting the immigration gates.

* It is amusing how the left insists that white people are evil but at the same time possess magical abilities to uplift minorities just by being in the same space. I wonder if some SJW children’s book author has written a story about some mythical monster along these lines.

Anyway, at the end of the day the fact is that although they cannot say so in a forthright manner – or perhaps don’t even realize what their true beliefs are – most of the gentry liberals believe in the benefits of the values of upper middle class white America, demonstrated by their own behavior and advocacy for minorities living near people like them to lift them up (but always near some other white people, not their own enclaves of course).

* Isn’t Chetty’s plan to turn white counties brown with the effluent spewed out by the geysers of inner-city, hyper-fertile ethnics just a ruse? A Trojan horse the real purpose of which is to turn red counties blue or somehow dilute the voting power of blue counties? Somewhere down the line it will turn out that the alleged intention of humane intervention was just a cover story for back-handed gerrymandering. Even Chetty will realize that he had been used.

* So according to Brooks the “sensible” thing is not to mention immigration or trade. He’s either ignorant or a PC chicken (aka hypocrite).

Interestingly political correctness on the left means that any suggestion to moderate mass low-skilled immigration is taboo while on the right any suggestion to moderate trade with low-wage Goliaths like China is also taboo. The bottom line is whether liberal or conservative, all who occupy the commanding heights of our culture care more about the good opinion of their friends and colleagues than they do about truth or the welfare of the American people. You can’t be respectable and honest (or well-informed) at the same time. A disease of our time and a threat to the future of our civilization. We need a bull in the china shop.

* In my experience, it is the Chinese folks who are the first to recognize that a school’s demographics are changing for the worse.

When they pick up Ming from band practice, and see all the black kids hanging around waiting for a ride, fighting and scuffling and hitting on girls, they go right home and call their Chinese real estate agent.

Then they buy a new home, and rent the old one out to a black family.

* I assume Brooks lives in a decent neighborhood. So how about Raj Chetty, Obama & Brooks import a couple of thousand of homeboys, baby mommas, and their progeny, to that neighborhood. And send the kids to whatever school Brooks’s kids (or nephews or whatever) go to. We must all do our part, no?

* Professor Chetty has just relocated from Harvard to Stanford, which is located in the small community of Stanford, California. Census data indicate that Stanford is about 86% white or Asian, 9% Hispanic and 5% black. The adjacent larger city of Palo Alto is 91% white or Asian, 6% Hispanic and 2% black. Stanford has a per capita income of about $32,000 and, for Palo Alto, $73,000 (California mean – about $30,000). However, Oakland, not too far away, is about 35% white, 17% Asian, 25% Hispanic and 28% black. Per capita income is about $32,000. So perhaps Chetty would like to consider living in one of the poorer minority sections of Oakland (and send his kids to the local public schools) – think about how much he could help the residents, and it’s only a 35 mile drive to Stanford, not bad by California standards; and I’m sure he’d get lots of support from the Stanfard professors to help relocate minorities from Oakland to the Stanford-Palo Alto area – you know, to one of the nice leafy neighborhoods where the faculty live.

* Troublemaking girl in a school classroom not complying with police. Oh, the cop is on leave and being investigated for being physical with the non-compliant girl. And the school is criticizing the cop. Does the school believe this should be handled non-physically by talking her into leaving and complying? Then why call the cops? Why not have the school counsellors and school psychologists, who are in abundant supply, handle her. What white person in his or her right mind would go into the education field today, despite the high pay for little work?

* The challenge of saving Western Civilization will include upgrading the quality of White Supremacists.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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