Monthly Archives: October 2015

Let Putin Have His Way In Syria

Steve Chapman writes: Vladimir Putin is having a field day in the Middle East. He has sent Russian planes to bomb rebels in Syria. He has reached an intelligence-sharing agreement with Syria, Iran and Iraq. At the U.N. Monday, he … Continue reading

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Socially And Sexually Atomized Atheist Killers and Absent Fathers

From the Chateau: The developing story of Oregon UCC mass murderer Chris Harper-Mercer (mystery meat, half black-half white) has me thinking about the psychologies of mixed race young men and the invisible influence of their absent fathers. In Mercer’s case, … Continue reading

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Oregon Killer Was A Beta Male

REPORT: “Neighbors said Harper-Mercer was a visibly ‘anxious’ and friendless loner who lived with his mother and surfed dating sites looking for love.” From the Chateau in 2012 on killer James Holmes: It looks like we may have another case … Continue reading

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High Sexual Market Value Chicks Dig Mass Murderers

From the Chateau: Any beta males reading this post ought to grab a Kleenex, because there is no God and your romantic ideals are laughable. James Holmes, the creepy-looking mass murderer who killed 12 and injured 70 in an Aurora, … Continue reading

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Help Women Imagine You’re The Killer They Want You To Be

From the Chateau: Chicks dig jerks. Chicks deeply dig stone cold killer jerks. Chicks secretly want you to be the killer of their sexual fantasies. Reader Dirty Old Man provides context, I got a shit test from a 20 something … Continue reading

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