High Sexual Market Value Chicks Dig Mass Murderers

From the Chateau:

Any beta males reading this post ought to grab a Kleenex, because there is no God and your romantic ideals are laughable.

James Holmes, the creepy-looking mass murderer who killed 12 and injured 70 in an Aurora, CO movie theater three years ago, has a veritable harem of gushing (heh) distaff admirers on his cell wall.


…Many supposed “red pillers” and even some field-tested PUAs refuse to believe that chicks dig the worst sorts of jerks. But the evidence that they do is everywhere. Not all chicks dig mass murderers (NACDMM), of course, but many more are aroused by killers than would be presumed if the addiction was a rare, exotic psychological disorder. And that quite often these death row groupies are attractive, psychologically normal women who simply reside on the far right of an asshole-loving bell curve. You know, the kinds of good-looking thin women most law-abiding beta males would wife up in an instant and ask questions later.

Our society condemns all sorts of male weirdos for their sexual predilections, why can’t we equally condemn these female killer groupies for their sexual predilection? Or is it only men’s sexual preferences that qualify for opprobrium by the feminist industrial simplex? Rhetorical.

PS You don’t have to be a mass murderer to win the love of cute girls, but the sexual attention that killers like the not-handsome Holmes receive from scores of women should clue you in that integrating a little of that jerkboy charisma into your personality will richly reward you in the dating market.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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