Socially And Sexually Atomized Atheist Killers and Absent Fathers

From the Chateau: The developing story of Oregon UCC mass murderer Chris Harper-Mercer (mystery meat, half black-half white) has me thinking about the psychologies of mixed race young men and the invisible influence of their absent fathers.

In Mercer’s case, an interesting twist on the usual miscegenation patterns: his absentee father was white and his mother black. Mercer was allegedly an atheist who hated Christians, and had (Hivemind term) “white supremacist” leanings. He also had a huge stash of porn that he streamed to P2P sharing services, which is a major omega male incel tell.

Why would a milk chocolate moonpie identify with White racial consciousness? My theory calls to mind another moonpie with daddy issues: President Butt Naked Obama.

Both men had no-show biological dads growing up, except Butt Naked’s dad was black. The psychology of men during their formative years is irretrievably warped by the absence of a father. This tendency is amplified for mixed race outcasts who will never have it as easy fitting in as monoracial kids, (another good reason to avoid having mystery meats). What happens then is the boy grows into a man who struggles with his identity. This struggle compels him to either completely reject the father as a presence in his mental and emotional universe…


…to embrace the missing father and “force” an identification with him. The son will undertake preternatural “missions of the mind” to locate within himself what he imagines are the resonances and reverberations of his absent father’s spirit. He will spend his life constantly searching for the soul of his missing father, in big and small ways, even as he tells himself and others that his absent biological father is a footnote in his life.

If his absentee father was black, like Obama’s, the mixed race creation will come to identify with all things black, in worldview and emotional connection, if not in cultural accouterments. His white mother will recede in significance to him. If his father was white, like Mercer’s, he will seek the most material manifestations of “whiteness” as his guide to grounding himself into something larger than his airy atheism and brooding “anti-sheeple” solitude. He hopes, through a psychological osmosis, that carrying what he infers would be the banner of his distant father will lift him from his mixcel loneliness.


* These shootings will continue to happen in a random fashion and each time the following predictions about the killer will ring true with astounding accuracy:

– Sexual market worthlessness
– Absent father
– Mental illness and a history of psychiatric medication

Call it the Unholy Trinity.

* Jordan and Kobe had their father’s in their lives; Lebron didn’t. (Hell, I think at one point, a teammater was porking his mother!) It was always brought up that Lebron never had the killer instinct that both Jordan and Kobe had/have; although Jordan was always out for blood.

(I bring up these three guys cause Kobe was compared to Jordan and Lebron was then compared to Jordan as well.)

Lebron never had that guidance or that toughness imparted on him through his father. More than likely it was via older friends, acquintances; in short, the street’s his father, so when the heat’s on, he collapses. It was apparent in his playoff time with Cleveland, before heading to Miami.

Winners always want the ball in their hands; in those later games, the 2010 series versus the Celtics, he withered away, giving the ball up. He wants a title, so he piggy back’s on Wade in Miami; where Wade was the alpha dog/father figure Lebron never had.

He spends four years there, gets two rings and has “graduated” but he’s still just a kid. This all surfaced when I heard him “complaining” that in the Finals they lost two all-stars and it’s hard to replace, yadda yadda yadda.

* I noticed early on that Lebron was very well-spoken [almost erudite] but also overwhelmingly effeminate. BTW, in the real world, you’re seeing what happens when a very well-spoken [and secretly hyper-effeminate] mulatto, Barry Soebarkah Dunham, crosses paths with a true Alpha forged-by-fire warrior like Vladimir Putin, without Eskimo David Axelrod’s teleprompter script to hid behind anymore: Li’l effeminate on-the-down-low colored boy scurries back home to Mama Jarrett with his tail between his legs.

* BB, you’re dealing with Eskimo Psychiatry here – they’re going to throw every possible lie [and multiple contradictory lies] at this mess until they find a lie [or a group of lies] which can create a Narrative which will make this story disappear. And if they can’t make the story disappear, then they will embrace the poor colored boy and GLORIFY him for murdering the Eskimo’s most hated enemy of all: White Christians. Eskimos are psychopaths – they aren’t burdened by a White conscience or by White fealty to Truth.

* Irreligiousness – okay, let’s talk about that. Blacks are the most religious racial group in the U.S., as they are the group with the lowest IQ. (Mestizos with their lower IQ are also more religious than Whites, the strength of religious fantasies increasing with lower intelligence, as it makes people less able to understand and cope with harsh reality.) The Bloods and Crips generally come from religious homes, no matter how much some wish it wasn’t so. Court staff note how the defendants’ mommas pray in the hallways that their sons be acquitted. “That’s not real religion!” you might say. That’s not YOUR religious habit, but religion nonetheless.

Sorry, religion pushers, wouldn’t bring up the facts unless you tried to make something out of this particular Negro’s reported atheism, as expected. If you take a moment to think about it, you will realize that more religious groups like Mestizos, Blacks and Arabs are still more criminal than the less religious group, Whites. In fact, the more religious Albanian and Yugoslav Whites are more criminal than the less religious Western Whites. I recommend you find a different angle than crime propensity.

* Opus : “she mentions Beta males not being able to get a woman as if this is a perfectly acceptable fact of life and probably their own fault”

I noticed that too – as though a beta-male is troubled because he ‘suffers’ from a lack of a woman in his life. If only he’d a had a woman he’d be ok…

I’ve had plenty of women in my life, too many actually. Having a woman or women giving you sex is great – until it’s not. And then it usually comes with an entirely new set of problems, risks and threats. Like constant shit tests to see how you react to insecurity or threats. Constant crisis created to keep you assisting her and saving her from whatever. Attention whoring, monopolizing your time, money and life.

Besides that, in this femcentric culture where the federal gov’t encourages your woman to ditch you and take your shit – the average beta-male is likely to face false charges [sexual and/or violent] and spend his time and money probing his innocence or settling out of court paying the bitch to go away. Jail time. Police records. Divorce rape, child support for 18+ years, female domestic violence and – well – “the juice aint worth the squeeze” anymore. But our simplistic and solipcistic announcer can’t seem to image a world where a woman isn’t the cure for the angry beta male.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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