Monthly Archives: October 2015

Some French Jewish Intellectuals Are Warning Against The Great Replacement

Comments to Steve Sailer: * At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is very significant that almost all of the so-called “non-toxic” voices for “French patriotism” and against immigration are Jewish (Éric Zemmour, Alain Finkielkraut, Élisabeth Lévy … Continue reading

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Large Numbers Of WWII Black American Soldiers Were Executed In France For Bad Behavior

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Of the 96 American soldiers from WW2 buried in the dishonorable Plot E of the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in France – a cemetery otherwise for WW1 soldiers – eighty are black. All of them were … Continue reading

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Swallowing The Red Pill

Our conversation was stimulated by this thread on Reddit’s Red Pill. Friend: “I can’t quite “buy” the redpill stuff cuz I don’t see how it creates a future where women rediscover the virtue and value of chastity and modesty… It … Continue reading

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When Narcissists Fall Apart

From The Rawness: Narcissists, without their armor of grandiosity, will fall apart. They reach a point where their armor is the only thing holding them together. Narcissists become what I like to call “grandiosity sharks.” Have you heard how a … Continue reading

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Analyzing Neil Strauss

From The Rawness: When I was doing Part 4 to this series, I did a lot of research on the internet and in the book The Game to try to make a psychological profile. One thing I found interesting though … Continue reading

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