Large Numbers Of WWII Black American Soldiers Were Executed In France For Bad Behavior

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Of the 96 American soldiers from WW2 buried in the dishonorable Plot E of the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in France – a cemetery otherwise for WW1 soldiers – eighty are black. All of them were executed then buried in Plot E for the crimes of rape and murder. Though they are buried in France, some of the soldiers buried there, iirc, were executed for crimes committed in Britain. Among those buried in Plot E is Emmett Till’s father, Louis – a fact which was used by Mississippi politicians to turn public sentiment against the younger Till.

* The British sitcom Peep Show also lampooned the casualty of burglaries in England. The main characters’ flat get burgled once, then they catch the teenage thief in the act coming back a second time. They call the police, who can’t be bothered to show up for several hours. They lock him on the balcony, but he calls his mates from his mobile. Predictably a pack of yufs, shows up to the apartment banging down the door well before the police, who’ve already been called several hours ago. They agree to let him go to avoid having their apartment overrun, but letting him out the front door, the mob of teenagers take advantage and clean them out.

The whole thing is treated as a casual weekend night, and the main characters even have dates over for the duration of the events. No one seems outraged at the police for dropping the ball and the characters basically feel sorry for the criminal. If a similar thing happened in Texas or Florida, the episode would be cut short in the first act as the burglar would have a belly full of hollow points.

* It’s no coincidence that Britain had the world’s first – and biggest – DNA database.

DNA samples are taken routinely from everyone arrested in Britain, even if they are never convicted or are arrested for traffic offenses.
As hundreds of thousands are arrested every year, and the DNA gathering has been on going for decades, the database holds a huge number of individuals.
A sizeable proportion of the adult male population is covered, and an even bigger proportion of Britain’s black male population. I venture to say that *most* black males in Britain are in the database.
Anyway, as we all know from our CSI, once you’re on that data base, an odd stray hair is enough to get you ‘banged to rights’.
At long last, the guilt of Hanratty, a famous lefty cause celebre was proved. Also, the Geordie ‘I’m Jack’ hoaxer who wasted so much police time back in the late 1970s was caught because of his act of licking a postage stamp, and getting caught for a motoring offence more than 20 years’ later.

* UK crime has fallen since its peak of early-90s, when Michael Howard (Tory Home Secretary) started jailing more criminals. Prison population doubled (from a very low level – by the 80s fewer people were in jail than in the low-crime 50s) , crime fell and Polly Toynbee wrote “Crime is falling, yet the prison population has never been so high”.

Home invasions in recent years have tended to be a black thing, and to happen either in cities, or in wealthy London suburbs.

There’s also a trend in following wealthy-looking people (usually women) home and jumping them on the doorstep.

Then there’s the targeting of rich mums with their small kids

(note that they cashed in the rings and jewellery at Hatton Garden, whose famously gullible businessmen would never have guessed that the expensive jewellery the young black guys brought in was stolen)

Few home invasions out in the sticks, where the traveller curse (stripping outhouses and garages of expensive garden equipment) is the main worry at present.

There’s a subtext to current policing issues. Mrs Thatcher’s government took care to keep the police onside, recruiting more and upping their pay – she was to need them in the miner’s strike years. The current Tory administration and its coalition predecessor have smacked the police around, cutting budgets severely – by 20% with at least another 5% to come – while the population is rising and getting more ‘diverse’.

At the recent Tory Conference Cameron slandered the police and was applauded for it.

“Opportunity doesn’t mean much to a black person constantly stopped and searched by the police because of the colour of their skin. ”

The current Chief Inspector of Police is a hatchet-faced financial lawyer.

Some forces have started saying “you can pass laws but we may not enforce them because we don’t have the resources”.

“A ban on drivers smoking while children are in the car is unlikely to be fully enforced, police chiefs have admitted”

* It is practically illegal to defend yourself in Britain against a home intruder. Any object that is legal ( a baseball bat, a knife ) becomes illegal since you may cause injury to the intruder…

* Crime started taking off in a publicly noticeable way in the mid 1970s partly as a result of immigration – particularly black street robbers – and a bit later partly as a result of closing the factories down – particularly white burglars. The police tried to do something about it but the media and SJWs kicked off because the police response to the street robberies was racially disproportionate to the numbers.

(It wasn’t; it was disproportionate to total numbers in the population but proportionate to the number of young blue collar males which is the correct metric but the media at the time and since were either malicious or innumerate so didn’t report it.)

Police promotion at the time was through the ranks but after the riots that followed from the police trying to do something about street robberies the govt at the time created a promotion system whereby individuals who’d swear to uphold PC would be fast tracked to the top.

This lead to the police force rotting from the top down as promotion by PC means the people in charge are always amoral scum and eventually that corrupts the system as a whole.

That worked for a while (in the sense of making people believe the problem had gone away) as it lead to “sensitive policing” which was a euphemism for ignoring crime in high crime areas but as the truth spread anyway as crime got worse in the ignored areas and spilled over then the govt had to start building more prisons which in the official stats reduced crime but in reality just slowed the increase down (the rest hidden by ignoring high crime areas and fiddling the stats).

Thing is – if you have a fixed population then incarceration can be used as a eugenic process that gradually reduces the frequency of criminal genes but if you have constant mass immigration skewed to young blue collar males then you will be continually increasing those genes so incarceration just slows down the descent into hell.

Eventually incarceration will become unaffordable and then the people responsible for the mass immigration will open the prisons as criminal gangs will be a much cheaper way of keeping the new serfs in permanent lock down.


* In fact, in the last 20 or so years, petty crime has decreased substantially in England. Successive British governments took the bait from contemporary American practice and introduced ‘get tough’ policies involving more incarceration – the prison population has exploded – more forced labor imposed on offenders, more fines, electronic tagging, DNA databases, longer sentences etc.
A particular exponent was Conservative Home Secretary and failed leader Michael Howard.
Also significant are marked improvements in automotive security systems, ubiquitous CCTV and number plate monitoring cameras, and a general increase in security and surveillance systems everywhere.
The trend towards ‘liberal’ prisons and sentencing policy started in the 60s and 70s was reversed and abandoned.

* Economics may have something to do with it. I was in high school in the late 1990′s, and every male graduating senior either A)moved out to go to college in the fall or B) moved into an apartment for roommates with a job over that first summer out of high school. Some girls stayed home for another year or two while commuting to college or the like, but almost everyone couldn’t wait for their independence.

I was shocked in the 1990′s to find that it was quite common in England for men and women, alike, to live at home into their 30′s. Every one of these stay-at-homers that I spoke to worked, but still couldn’t afford independent housing. That alone lets me know our economy was much better than theirs at the time.

Our American economy is starting to look like the same English economy of the 1990s. Young to middle-aged people are living with their parents well past eighteen. Some of that is the economy. Not surprisingly crime has now started to rise again.

* Five Factors:

Low imprisonment rates


No guns

No racial profiling

Demonisation of those who know about factors one to four.

* Aside from incarceration, here are some other ideas:

1. The USA takes credit cards more than any other place I’ve been, so we likely carry the least amount of cash.

2. We have the highest market share of iPhones. These are worthless to steal and resell now, since Apple has had remote disable tech for quite a while now.

3. We are well armed, and increasingly so.

4. I bet we have the lowest levels of lead. Our buildings are much new and thus less likely to contain lead. We also removed a lot more of it due to our unique lawsuit culture scaring landlords into removing it.

5. We mostly lack a violent yob/hooligan/mafia white underclass culture.

6. We have a good mix of central and decentralized law enforcement. We have the FBI and other federal agencies to go after high-value and inter-state targets, but also let our middle class suburbs and rich cities like New York spend a lot of money on local law enforcement.

* Here in the UK are some things that are “violent crimes”:

• A member of the public reported seeing a mother slap her three-year-old child on the hand as they left a shop. The police had to record this as an “assault” by the mother on the child and “shoplifting” by the toddler.

• A young boy was bought a boxing glove by his parents. While excitedly swinging it around, he accidentally clipped his small sibling with the glove. The incident was recorded as “actual bodily harm” (ABH).

• Two children were playing together and one brushed a stinging nettle across the other’s arm. Police were called and recorded the incident as ABH.

• Two children playing together were performing “wheelies” on their bicycles. While doing the tricks, one child rode his bike into the other. This was recorded as an assault.

• Several members of staff were scratched at a care home. Each scratch was recorded as ABH, meaning police recorded five violent crimes from the one incident.

Police were forced to record an incident of a man being hit by a biscuit as a “violent crime”, a new report has revealed.

In contrast the definition of “violent crime” is much more stringent in the US and is more comparable to our GBH.

Steve, the paper in your OP isn’t available online, but in a follow-up paper from 2013 the authors acknowledge that it is not easy to compare most kinds of crime between nations because of differing definitions.

A second important issue in using criminal statistics is related to crime classification. Indeed, the classification of crimes may vary across countries, because of different criminal codes. For instance, an act that is a property crime in classified as a violent crime in country B. As a consequence, if one wants to work with a homogeneous measure of crime rates across these different countries, it is required to use a measure that is unaffected both by underreporting and classification issues. For all the above reasons, in this paper we will use the total number of homicide reported to the police per 100,000 inhabitants as main measure of criminal activity. This choice is dictated by the fact that homicides suffer much less underreporting and are more uniformly classified across countries.

Your claim “While property crimes were already way down in the U.S. and were falling further, much of Europe was plagued by criminality.” is simply not substantiated by evidence and seems to be a misreading of this paper.

* You’ve suggested that European Jews have not been active in opposing mass third world migration. Here’s an article from the BBC about France’s anti-immigration public intellectuals. (Someone else posted a similar article from the Guardian yesterday). A majority of them are Jewish, even though they make only 1% of France’s population.

That at least is the hope of the so-called neo-reactionnaires (new reactionaries) – a loose group of writers and thinkers who want to shake up debate on issues like immigration, Islam and national identity.

Of course others see the group rather differently.

For their enemies they are rabble-rousers, providing spurious philosophical cover for the extremism of the National Front (FN).

Most famous of the exponents is journalist Eric Zemmour, whose new book French Suicide reads like a desperate cavalry charge, sabre aloft, into the massed ranks of the progressives.
Seizing popular culture

Zemmour is scorned by most of the Paris establishment but his book is a runaway bestseller. To date it has sold 400,000 copies.

“The big divide today is between the elite and the people,” he tells me at Le Figaro newspaper’s headquarters, where he works.

“And that is why my book has done so well. Because I have become a kind of representative of the people. They have adopted me. They say that what I write is what they think.”

Zemmour is Jewish. He further told the BBC:

The sovereignty of the nation has disappeared. The state no longer has the power to revive the economy, or to defend our borders. The state is powerless. There are parts of France which feel like a different continent today. There are neighbourhoods which are completely Muslim – in their appearance, in their shops, in their tradition. And at the same time we have the constant process of Americanisation. Our budget is controlled by Brussels. We have no currency. Our army has to follow Washington’s orders.

The second name mentioned is also Jewish:

Other well-known figures in the movement include philosopher Alain Finkielkraut. Formerly identified with the political left, he was nearly blackballed this year from the prestigious Academie Francaise because of his writings on national identity.

The third name is a son of Norman farmers:

More controversial is aesthete and prolific writer Renaud Camus, who lives in self-imposed isolation in a 14th-Century fortress in the wilds of Gascony.

Next they mention the two Jewish founders of the main “neo-reac” magazine. Here is the current cover:×196.jpg

The headline is La Pitie Dangereuse, “the dangerous pity/mercy.” Seems they are importing to France our concepts of pathological altruism and ethno-masochism .

Other cover stories: “No to the McCarthyism of the Left!” and “Islam in France: Integration or Submission.”

* This jives with my impression of Europe from my one vacation there. My husband and I spent 4 days in London and 4 in Paris in 2003. In that time we saw a hit and run one evening, I think near the Waterloo train station, where a car took a curve too fast, skidded into a parked car, crunched it pretty hard, and just kept going. On another day my husband had a travel umbrella (brand new, of course) plucked right off the backpack on his back in the Musee d’Orsay. I’ve been to the major museums in NYC and LA many times over the last four decades (never mind museums in the rest of the country) and never been pick-pocketed. I’ve vacationed in many of the larger cities in the US, not to mention lived my entire adult life in the metropolitan NY/LA areas, and never observed/been a victim of crime, albeit minor, like we did on that trip.

* Jews were strongly represented in Italian fascist movement. It did turn OK for them – for a long time Italians protected their Jews from German lunacy. So, is this history trying to repeat?

* Is the crime rate actually increasing in Europe, or just decreased less than in the USA?

Also looking at their analysis of violent crime (in their paywallled paper), it is driven by a massive increase in recorded violent crime in the UK –

Changes in the other nations are negligible.

But of course, there isn’t really a massive increase in violent crime in the UK.

It’s a change in the recording rate (more recording, relative to experiences of crime). Which you can find on pretty much any site, but here’s the Office of National Statistics in the UK, comparing the British Crime Survey rate (where violent crime peaks at around the same time as the US, then declines) to recorded crime rate:

Garbage in, garbage out.

That’s why homicide is the most reliable indicator – people tend to notice bodies. They don’t tend to change how frequently they record them that much, funnily enough.

Why Consies have such a hard time believing in the violence falls in the late 20th century and the fact that they have little to do with “tough on crime” incarceration mania bollocks and moronic gunslinger shit, is frankly beyond me.

The Italian academics agitating for a good ol’ Prison Industrial Prosecutorial Complex like they have in the US, I can understand, but the Cuckservative pseudoCon doofus dad chumps who supposedly want lower taxes and individual freedom…

* I think a huge amount of bad stuff (crime, drug use, illegitimacy) is driven by social factors that are not really in anyone’s control. Affecting them by policy is really hard. That’s why pretty much the only policy intervention that seems to do any good wrt lowering crime rates is something huge and expensive like doubling the number of people we lock up.

* My second day in London in 1980, in a supermarket in Chelsea, a black youth shoved the cashier and grabbed the money out of her till and sprinted off. The store employees dashed off like they were chasing him but when I got outside they were discussing which pub to go to for a pint while they pretended to look for the long gone criminal. It appeared to be a regular ritual with them.

* A real problem is that homicides in England and Wales are not counted the same as in other countries. Most strikingly, their homicide numbers exclude any cases which do not result in conviction, or where the person is not prosecuted on grounds of self defence or otherwise.

American homicide rates are based on initial data, but British homicide rates are based on the final disposition. Suppose that three men kill a woman during an argument outside a bar. They are arrested for murder, but because of problems with identification (the main witness is dead), charges are eventually dropped. In American crime statistics, the event counts as a three-person homicide, but in British statistics it counts as nothing at all. With such differences in reporting criteria, comparisons of U.S. homicide rates with British homicide rates is a sham.

In 2012, the US murder rate was 4.7 per 100,000, a total of 14,827. Arrests amounted to only 7,133. Using only people who were arrested (not just convicted) would lower the US murder rate to 2.26 per 100,000. If about 2/3rds of those arrested are convicted, that would lower the rate to about 1.5 per 100,000.

In fact, almost no pair of countries uses the same homicide definitions.”


* Do we dictate your immigration policies? Do we tell you to let in the non-Europeans who commit most of the crimes in your countries?

Do we tell you to hammer the extremely European, highly intelligent Hungarians and accuse them of being Nazis when they try to protect your European world from invasion?

Please forgive me, for I am only an ignorant American living in blissful freedom with a legally concealed weapon under my Ralph Lauren blazer, but I thought you still had your own sovreign nations. If you don’t, I suggest you grow some American-style balls and take back your friggin’ country!

* Europe has absurdly lax sentencing for crimes. And prison in some countries is like a country club in order to reduce recidivism. Europeans need to adopt the Broken Windows policy that was successful in NYC, there is entirely too much pickpocketing and other crimes going on. They need longer sentences. I’m not sure about cushy prison but certainly the US should be concentrating more on rehabbing a criminal. One thing I did notice in Europe is that the police are rarely seen, it makes the US seem like a police state. The stat that blacks commit the most crime in London should be a wake up call for politicians regarding immigration. Also, immigrants from corrupt countries, whether it’s Eastern Europe or elsewhere will also increase crime. They don’t automatically become law abiding when they arrive in a low crime country. Lifetime welfare doesn’t help either, the UK’s yob culture is similar to the inner city black thug culture. Mandating conservative values of personal responsibility, discipline, hard work, and education could make a large dent in criminality. That’s how Singapore became successful.

* Jews have been the main driver of mass non-white immigration into Europe and America since WWII.

A few of them are now waking up to the consequences of what they’ve done and are starting to get antsy.

Most of those few are *only* concerned with Muslim immigration as they correctly see it as an existential threat to Jews. They still support unlimited mass non-white immigration – aka the race replacement and extinction of white Europeans – as long as the immigrants aren’t Muslim.

* “No more cash” is being pushed by economists and central bankers as a way to bring the entire economy under central control. If money only exists as electrical charges in silicon chips and every transaction can be centrally monitored, you cannot live your life off the grid. And NIRP (negative interest rate policies=taxes on savings accounts) are easily implemented to force you to spend and “stimulate” the economy.

* American living in Europe. I can confirm that U.S. influence is very ubiquitous within the European Union. Policy is dictated from on high via the U.S. State Department (and has gotten worse since Obana took over and instaurated the successive reigns of terror of Clinton and Kerry) and transmitted through ambassadorships, and compliance enforced via NATO. Part of the reason European people do not rise up is that they have been cowed into submission the way American whites have been cowed into accepting minority privilege, both de jure and de facto. But part of that cowing touches even the most resistant, nationalistic, religious and uneffeminate parts of European society in an important way: the whole setup is very difficult to detect on the local level, but if you happen to be an American citizen with politically connected local friends you start to fill in the pieces of the puzzle as you discreetly walk the lines and hear the talk.

* By virtue of your political, cultural and military power you set the terms.
An example of government meddling is this initiative by the US embassy in France “Minority Engagement Strategy”:

An extract: “France has long championed human rights and the
rule of law, both at home and abroad, and justifiably
perceives itself as a historic leader among democratic
nations. This history and self-perception will serve us well
as we implement the strategy outlined here, in which we press
France toward a fuller application of the democratic values
it espouses. This strategy is necessary because French
institutions have not proven themselves flexible enough to
adjust to the country’s increasingly heterodox demography.
Very few minorities hold leadership positions in France’s
public institutions.”

* Fifteen years ago as a tourist in a Balkan country, visiting one of the lesser cities, I noticed that on pensioner’s check day they weren’t receiving checks but actual cash in the envelope addressed to them. The mailman was making his route with a sackful of envelopes with cash in them. It was all very nonchalant, no one thought anything of it. I also got on a bus where the driver was making fare change from out of a cigar box in front of him. None of this could happen here in the US, they’d be robbed within hours. I thought to myself that this is normal living; always looking over one’s shoulder for whoever’s after them isn’t.

* Know Thyself. A few years ago thanks to Steve I stumbled across that, a response to’s 2012 question “What is your favorite deep, elegant or beautiful theory.” A social psychologist at UVA named Timothy Wilson responded with Self-Perception Theory.

While it is true that behavior emanates from people’s inner dispositions, Bern’s insight was to suggest that the reverse also holds. After we drag the recycling bin to the curb, we infer that we really care about the environment

“People draw inferences about who they are by observing their own behavior.” I bought Wilson’s book Strangers to Ourselves. But what seemed to me the most useful implication of the theory was absent from the book, the Occam’s Razor of why criminals are criminals, in particular why criminals tend to become progressively criminal. What propels their behavior seem to be tests of courage, each one anchoring with greater weight their identity, their self-conception as criminals, and the sort of courage called criminality. Ray Bradbury said (or anyways Marshall Mcluhan said he said) that violence is a form of the quest for identity.

That seems like it would be obvious but the point is that Self-Perception Theory is good science, Wilson’s response is worth reading in full.

How this might apply to incarceration is interesting. There is status among criminals between those who have been to prison and those who have been to jail, prison generally where sentences of over a year are served. To me, this suggests that sentences up to some length past a year are counterproductive towards recidivism. I don’t know what that point would be, but I would guess it at about five years, and I think the recidivism rate would bear that out, at least. Of course, total crime is what matters, not recidivism. But when thinking about the math, and the optimum incarceration regime, I definitely think realism about why criminals are criminals deserves not a little thought.

* Most French Jews are of North African descent who fled to France after the end of French colonialism due to Muslim anti-Jewish sentiment. Understandably they are wary of France becoming like the lands they fled. One simply cannot compare them to the Ashkenazim whose history is very different and who are highly overrepresented in all anti-European/anti-white movements.

* Alain Finkielkraut, one of the “neo-reactionnaires” mentioned in the article, is an Ashkenazi. So is Pamela Geller.

* Since Rotherham I would think that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would realize that Great Britain’s crime and crime stats are utterly unreliable. People who report rapes and protest them go to jail? Thousands of victims, undoubtedly hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) rapes, sexual assaults, and other crimes involving vulnerable children and the schools, social service agencies, and police collude to cover up the crime?

If I were conclude anything from that it is that England is truly deeply fucked and every man should be shamed by wearing a dress until crimes like that are stopped. But what do I know? I am just a dumb American where we actually jail pedophiles not cover up for them.

* In my experience only two things effect recidivism. First is age. For most criminals after a certain age they are done with crimes that will get them incarcerated or they’ve wised up and no longer commit crime on impulse but more carefully.

Second, is an actual job. If you can keep a guy at work for eight hours at something that provides some dignity you’ll see him much less likely to get into trouble. Community ties don’t hurt. Church, wife, kids, other friends (not his running buddies from the street).

As to your understanding of Jails and Prisons you really don’t know what they are like inside. Most jails are more chaotic. You are getting guys who are drunk drivers and you are getting murderers. Hell the tiny city jail in my town held an international contract killer for several months because the facility had been built with the help of the feds and they could claim half the bed space.

Big jails are full of violence, you don’t know how the inmates are going to react and a lot of them don’t know either.

By the time a guy is in prison he’s been a convict for a while. He knows how to do time whether or not he does it is another matter. He has a place and knows the rules. It might be the first place since he was twelve that he doesn’t get baked or tweak all day long while playing xbox. It might be the first place where he’s had to work at something eight hours a day to get what he really wants. It may be the first place where he can be reasonably sure that if violence erupts it won’t be minutes or hours but seconds before somebody responds and that he can go to his own cell and avoid the violence altogether if he wants. A well run prison while not a pleasant place to live can be much less chaotic and stressful to an inmate willing to follow the rules.

Usually in a prison you can separate the worst from the not so bad. You can balance the races on the tiers so that you don’t have to worry about a gang taking over (unless the feds get involved). You know how to keep circulating to keep them from mischief in corners or you set up cameras so there are no corners.

Sure they’ll still try to victimize each other from time to time. If they had impulse control they wouldn’t be in prison in the first place.

* Beverly Hills and nearby communities like Cheviot Hills fight tooth and nail to prevent light rail stops as they don’t want unticketed passengers to indulge in unreceipted shopping, let alone uncontracted home visitations or impromptu chauffeuring.

* Just imagine how you could improve British crime statistics by adopting the Sharia law principle that rape against a Christian woman isn’t a crime if done by a muslim. That would really drive the numbers down.

* Sentencing Project says there is no correlation between crime and incarceration rates…

So Obama decided to release thousands from jail…

Obama also decided not to deport convicted criminal illegal aliens…

“In 2013 the Obama administration released 36,007 criminal immigrants who had nearly 88,000 convictions. Those convictions included 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions.

In January, the Department of Homeland Security revealed in a 38-page document to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) showing that of those criminals released in 2013, 1,000 had gone on to commit additional crimes including, terroristic threats, lewd acts with a minor, various types of assault, DUI, robbery, hit-and-run, gang activity, rape, and child cruelty.”

Obama decided to dismantle all US immigration laws…

“In a lengthy timeline released Monday, Sessions — the chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — lists every instance of the Obama administration ignoring, rewriting, delaying and breaking the nation’s immigration laws.

The timeline begins in January 2009 with the administration ending worksite enforcement actions and, 50 pages later, ends on February 13, 2015 with the House Judiciary Committee’s revelation that the administration included a “sneaky” avenue for illegal immigrants granted deferred status to be placed on a pathway to citizenship.”

On top of that, Obama will import 200,000 Syrians that the FBI will be unable to vet…

This is an American revolution that we are witnessing…

“I have always thought that in revolutions, especially democratic revolutions, madmen, not those so called by courtesy, but genuine madmen, have played a very considerable political part. One thing is certain, and that is that a condition of semi-madness is not unbecoming at such times, and often even leads to success.”

– Alexis de Tocqueville (1805 – 1859)

* But it seems to be we have been focused on solving the world’s problems while we have thrown up our hands on trying to solve many of our own. We have certainly ramped up sentences and have a lot more people in jail but while that undoubtedly did prevent crimes from occurring, the condition of the places where those prisoners came from didn’t get better, overall, as far as I know. So we’ve spent hundreds of billions of dollars on incarceration and law enforcement and the results are very unsatisfactory vs. the money spent.

If you ask me, in the last 20 years life has only gotten worse for the people at the bottom in America. Unemployment for high school dropouts and for people with records has gotten much higher, I think; in the big cities gentrification has been pushing people out of housing; the tens of millions of poor illegal and legal immigrants take up resources that could have and should have gone to better used to make things better for our own down and out folks.

Whatever we may think of criminals, the thing is most of them do get out and they have to live somehow. If things are worse for them every time they go away, if they can’t get work or a place to live, it only reinforces the whole downhill spiral of their family, their buildings, their neighborhoods and, eventually, the rest of us.

It’s past time for us to refocus on our own needs but what group or politician is calling for that?

* “The coloured races are not pacifists. They do not cling to a life whose length is its sole value. They take up the sword when we lay it down. Once they feared the white man; now they despise him. Our judgment stands written in their eyes when men and women comport themselves in their presence as we do, at home or in the lands of colour themselves. Once they were filled with terror at our power – as were the Germanic people before the first Roman legions. Today, when they are themselves a power, their mysterious soul – which we shall never understand – rises up and looks down upon the whites as on a thing of yesterday.” (Oswald Spengler)

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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