Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Double Standard On Sex

From the Chateau: * I had to explain last night to a group of men the “double standard” of sexuality. They wondered why a man is championed for multiple sexual partners, but a woman is chastised for it. I told … Continue reading

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The Reason Women Initiate 70% Of Divorces

From the Chateau: The divorce rate and the female fertility rate, if superimposed, are practically IDENTICAL. Divorce is, to a great degree, a function of a woman’s sexual desirability and her options in the sexual market. The more romantic attention … Continue reading

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NYT: Where Are Black Children Safe?

Comments at * They are safest living in communities where there are very few other black youth. * Where are black children’s manners? This young woman was disobeying her teacher and then refusing to cooperate with a police officer … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Redlining’ Home Loan Discrimination Re-emerges as a Concern for Regulators

Comments at * The Democrats’ obsession with continuing to capture black votes led directly to the “sub-prime mortgage” meltdown. Give loans for those who cannot afford to repay them (ditto with Obama’s takeover of student loans, now over $1,200,000,000,000 … Continue reading

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It would be a mitzva if Jenna Jameson would go around Orthodox Judaism giving classes to women-only in husband pleasing

Think about how many marriages would be saved if Jenna gave classes to women only on how to make love to your husband like a porn star! I’ve had a wide and varied dating life. I’ve dated actresses from Jenna’s … Continue reading

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