Monthly Archives: October 2015

LAT: Why Iowa’s graduation rate is so much higher than California’s

Such a mystery. I just can’t figure it out. From It’s hard to know exactly what’s going on with the numbers, Howard said. “We gotta dig deep to figure out what’s at play.” I went to Wikipedia and looked … Continue reading

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Right-Wing Grows In Europe

REPORT: The growing popularity of the far-right Sweden Democrats mirrors a backlash being felt across Europe as the continent reckons with a refugee crisis that has broken all modern records and shows no sign of abating. The impact can be … Continue reading

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How Is Mark Dayton Governor Of MN?

From The New Republic in 2010: Mark Dayton’s place in Washington’s collective memory can be distilled to exactly one moment, on one day: October 12, 2004. That morning, Dayton, a freshman Democratic senator from Minnesota, appeared in front of a … Continue reading

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Minnesota Governor: “Our Economy Cannot Expand Based on White, B+, Minnesota-born Citizens.”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Someone should ask the filthy rich, born-into-wealth, Yale-educated (probably a BA in sociology) faux prole Mark Brandt Dayton, what percent of the populations of his block, his immediate neighborhood, and his ZIP Code Area are … Continue reading

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Memo to GOP: Curb Immigration or Quit

By Sen. Jeff Sessions and Rep. Dave Brat: America is about to break every known immigration record. And yet you are unlikely to hear a word about it. The Census Bureau projects that the foreign-born share of the U.S. population … Continue reading

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