Minnesota Governor: “Our Economy Cannot Expand Based on White, B+, Minnesota-born Citizens.”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Someone should ask the filthy rich, born-into-wealth, Yale-educated (probably a BA in sociology) faux prole Mark Brandt Dayton, what percent of the populations of his block, his immediate neighborhood, and his ZIP Code Area are drawn from the vibrantly diverse scum that he wants to impose on all those Minnesotans not wealthy enough, as he is, to afford places of refuge from his thoughtless “policies”. OTOH, as Mencken once wrote, democracy is that form of government where the people get exactly what they want — good and hard. Some majority of the citizens of Minnesota elected this sad relic of the ’60s; to office again and again and again. Now both their more innocent fellow citizens and they must pay the full price for their pigheaded stupidity.

* Yes, to be ready for the 21st century, Minnesota needs thousands of Somalians whose education consists of rote memorization of the Koran and instruction in the use and maintenance of an AK-47. Those B+ whites just won’t cut it anymore. I mean, unless they’re gay or transgender.

* Do the Chinese watch the West in wonderment? Do their leaders sit back and laugh at the folly of their competition? If I was China, I wouldn’t do anything to provoke the West. What’s the point? Just wait another generation or two, and the U.S. will be Brazil – and Brazil isn’t going to get in the way of China.

A Dayton marries a Rockefeller and then finds a way to look down on middle-class whites for wanting to keep their communities intact and safe. Classic.

* He is as good a poster child for the open borders crowd as I can imagine. Presbyterian, hating his own roots, super rich and supported by stock market speculation, born with a silver spoon, never employed doing anything productive (nor working with actual diverse human people), and knowing better than the rest of us what’s good for the orderly, productive rank and file of the north. I guess that all fits with the view of humans as fully fungible carbon units, blank slates who can be inscribed with whatever the Mark Daytons of the world wish.

* The Nazi debacle of 1945 has pretty much ruled out an effective “Euro-nationalist” politics in the States for those of European stock, although politics of racial or nationalist solidarity are permitted to others.

* Gotta give the guy credit, he’s engaging in Real Talk and telling his taxpaying constituents where his sympathies lie, and it ain’t with them. It will be interesting to see how Minnesotans react–they’re very politically correct and phlegmatic and Nordic and all that, but everyone has a breaking point.

* There are definite stages to the insanity. First it’s the “we love ethnic food!” stage. Then the “sure there are problems but we were all immigrants once” stage. Then it’s the denial and denunciation stage – wreckers are upsetting the peace and harmony, the immigrants are not at all to blame. Then the “we have no choice, this is the future” stage, where Minnesota appears to be now. Then the move to the suburbs. Finally the move to Portland, before it gets too expensive.

* The thing is, Gov. Dayton, there is no other place for immigration restrictionists to go. Indeed, a certain kind of leftist takes particular pride in finding lily-white states and towns to enrich with vibrancy. Somalis in New England: cat lady achievement unlocked!

If there were some segment of the country currently permitted to preserve itself, I would say, “Let the Nordic suckers of Minnesota do to themselves what their kin in Europe are currently doing.” It’s sad to see mass immigration befall a peaceful, well-governed, high-trust social democracy, but at the end of the day, people should get the govt they deserve.

What I refuse to accept is for the rest of America to get the government that Minnesotans deserve. If mass immigration is to continue, we will have to split the country into a handful of loosely confederated regions with strict internal border controls. Regions that create high-wage economies and livable communities won’t be flooded with outsiders to arbitrage away the increased quality of life that others have created. Regions that doth protest their love for diversity will end up dispossessing only themselves, if (admittedly a big if) they actually mean it and aren’t just status-signaling, self-segregating hypocrites.

I know all this stuff sounds LARPy, but ultimately there is no meaningful self-determination without control over membership in one’s community. If that can’t be achieved at the overall level of the US it must be achieved within some subset of the US.

Of course, ruling-class gentry liberals like Dayton aren’t interested in “live and let live” with other Americans. They know full well there’s nowhere in America that’s safe from people like themselves. Not only do they know it, they get off on that fact.

This is the most despicable thing about Cultural Marxism. I doubt many of us mind if our fellow Americans in liberal strongholds want to indulge their silly SWPL affectations. They, on the other hand, are determined to eliminate their rival tribe as a cultural and political force.

* There is a lot more going on here than economics. There is real hatred and hostility toward the people by the elite and these policies of ethnic cleansing are fueled far more by this than any economic incentive. Does anyone really believe that these replacements are going to improve the economy? No. We have a hostile elite motivated by hate, revenge, and a desire to humiliate us. Things are only going to get worse and a bloody civil war is on the horizon.

* British journalist Rod Luddle once got in trouble for saying, “Somalis are widely admired for their strong work ethic, respect for the law and keen, piercing, intelligence.”

* Terrible winters, humid summers, Somalis everywhere, governor who can barely speak and when he does, insults his own people: Minnesota sounds like a great place.

* Real or imagined (or hyperbolic) Somali dysfunction is not, ought not be, the real issue.

Maintaining a Minnesota firmly rooted in Western Civilization, ethnoculturally, is a wholly goal legitimate in and of itself and needs no apology or “proxy justification”.

The Upper Midwest developed a distinct regional culture, largely rural, based heavily on the Americanization and “Westernization (as in the frontier American West) of Scandinavian and German settlers of the 1800s. This ethnoculture cannot survive if it is swamped by Africans and Asians, to state the obvious.

In other words, even if Somalis were model citizens, we still don’t want them colonizing our country. We wish them luck in their own country.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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