Right-Wing Grows In Europe


The growing popularity of the far-right Sweden Democrats mirrors a backlash being felt across Europe as the continent reckons with a refugee crisis that has broken all modern records and shows no sign of abating. The impact can be seen in country after country, with far-right parties hammering away at authorities deemed too permissive in allowing those fleeing war and persecution to find a home in Europe.

Anger over the refugee influx is increasingly fueling violence, as it appeared to do over the weekend when two Swedish schools that were being converted into shelters for asylum seekers burned down in what police said were suspected arson attacks. In the German city of Cologne, a leading mayoral candidate and ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel was stabbed in the neck by a man whom authorities said had “anti-foreigner motives.”

Meanwhile, the backlash is already having an effect at the polls. In Austria, the far-right Freedom Party achieved its highest-ever vote share in municipal elections this month while in Switzerland on Sunday the ultraconservative Swiss People’s Party won a clear victory after campaigning against asylum chaos.” In Poland, a nationalist party whose leader has warned that refugees will bring “parasites” and “cholera” to Europe is expected to triumph over the ruling centrists in a vote coming up on Sunday. Merkel’s approval ratings have dropped as Germany has accepted a historic number of refugees. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has only been strengthened as his government has rolled out mile after mile of barbed wire to keep them out.

“In terms of popularity, the real winners of this crisis are almost exclusively on the right,” the Eurasia political consulting group recently concluded in a research note.

Comments at WP:

* How we are handling the Islamist problem is akin to treating cancer by disseminating the tumor cells throughout the body.

* One massive study done on immigrants in 16 European countries shows crime rates at min are 300% in some countries and as much as 500% higher in others than those that were of that country’s ethic background. The highest crime rates for immigrants were in France and Germany at a bit over 500%. And as for sexual crimes the rates climb 400 to 700 percent for first and second generation immigrants in those sixteen countries over those of that country’s ethnic background.

* In this case, the facts are hateful and racist.

Right now, in the “refugee camps”, the Muslims are talking about how best to co-exist with the LGBT communities, and instructing their young men on when a woman says “no”, she means “no”.

* Maybe the so-called “far-right” is just reacting to a huge mistake by the “far-left.” Maybe the people of Sweden (and Germany) are finally realizing how big a mistake Merkel made, a decision in which they had no voice.

* To progressives the far right are people who ask crazy question like:

“So who’s going to pay for this?”
“What’s the impact to our society if we absorb this many people?”
“Are these people willing to assimilate?”

In fact, progressives consider these types of questions as “hate speech”.

* Huh, you think this is bad. Check out the NY Times editorials. Their editorial board is usually too liberal for me. And I’m not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. They just had one about how sanctuary cities laws should not apply to the laws of the Federal government! I saw maybe 2 comments out of 1,000 agreeing with their editorial board.

* Muslims will rapidly assimilate into Swedish culture.

* Apparently, there are a lot of Swedes unwilling to commit national suicide.

* Every country had a duty to absorb some Islamist casualties.

* It seems that the Muslims pretty universally hate the Jews. Why would any country afford its hospitality to a populace that seeks to spread its hatred of the Jews? Why welcome such a group that does not come to assimilate but to cause dissension among citizens when they realize they have imposers of Sharia within their midst! Canada is now feeling the pressure. Obama’s efforts to bring this same incompatible populace into the USA can only result in chaos!

* I still haven’t heard anyone guesstimate how many refugees can be brought into Sweden, Austria, Germany, Belgium, etc. without changing the culture; when will the WEST no longer resemble the WEST? Does that matter at all to the irrational morons who are all in favor of this?

* The typical liberal take on the problem. The nice left wing, along with the Muslims are welcoming them with open arms, and only nasty right wing racists and fascists are opposed.
Somehow, in this discussion the attacks by Muslims on the Jewish residents has been omitted, especially it was pretty much ignored by the government. Have there also been other problems with the earlier immigrants that are concerning the residents about a larger influx? Not if you read the Washington Post.

* Swedes do not want to one day wake up to the call to prayer blaring from loudspeakers in minarets across the land at the crack of dawn and then five times a day while their church bells are silenced in the name of “cultural sensitivity.”

* WHY is it that Frenchmen and -women, Germans, Swedes, the Swiss, Dutch, and others who wish to *preserve* their unique cultures against a religion whose political and religious scripture requires the forcible conversion of “infidels”–WHY is it that these conscientious Europeans are by definition called “racist”?

Are they not the indigenous (at least for the past five to seven thousand years) inhabitants of their lands? Even in the most turbulent lands, their soon-not-to-be-majority inhabitants have been there for at least 1500 years. Why should everything be handed over to “migrants” who are just looking for handouts? If these “migrants” were true refugees, they would stop at the first free country and kiss the ground.

But no: they want a free this, a free that, and everything free forever, because that’s what the propaganda they believed in-country told them.

* No mention of what is happening in Gothenberg where the Islamic mob has declared a Caliphate. They are demanding Swedish girls cover themselves while gangs of Islamic boys attack Swedish girls at will. They are inscribing Swedes homes with the Arabic symbol for Christians and demanding they convert. Europe, under the leadership of Progressive Liberal Useful Idiots is committing suicide.

Typical one sided reporting of WaPo and the other useful idiots of the MSM.

* One thing that Americans sympathetic to the migrants with their melting pot culture and a population of 320 million people that’s big enough to absorb just about anything have trouble understanding is that there is no such thing as Europe other than as a geographic entity. Europe is many distinct cultures that have existed for hundreds of years, some very small. In the face of this enormous mass migration of Islamic culture that destroys everything that disagrees with it and with its high birth rates, many of those European cultures would completely disappear. Even a large nation like Germany would be fundamentally changed.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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