Monthly Archives: October 2015

What Made DC Boom?

Steve Sailer writes: The DC metro area boomed between 1996-2000 and 2011-2012, in large part due to guys in the DC metro area failing to prevent 9/11. Thus, the War on Terror dumped huge amounts of money on the DC … Continue reading

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What would you say are the principle Somali gifts to civilization?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Years ago the State Department tried to resettle the initial wave of Somalis to Atlanta. The Somalis didn’t like ‘the brothers’ there and, being an intercontinental vagrant population, had scouts who reported that Maine, with … Continue reading

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Good For Donald Trump for taking on the Seventh-Day Adventist lobby!

From what I remember about Seventh-Day Adventists, they’re in heaven getting this much attention. The best movie about Seventh-Day Adventists is The Nostradamus Kid and the best book is Seeking a Sanctuary: Seventh-day Adventism and the American Dream. Adventists tend … Continue reading

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UC Anthropology Faculty Support #theIRATE8

Source. Comments on Facebook: Quanita Roberson I love the support but I can’t help but notice there are no people of color on (Tenure-Track) faculty. We need to start with ourselves first! Department of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati Quanita, I … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Vs Fox News

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve, You could write an reoccurring series on how the Advertising Industry favors left-wing media outlets over conservative news and talk radio channels. CNN has a third of the FNC audience yet it seems to … Continue reading

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