UC Anthropology Faculty Support #theIRATE8



Comments on Facebook:

Quanita Roberson I love the support but I can’t help but notice there are no people of color on (Tenure-Track) faculty. We need to start with ourselves first!

Department of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati Quanita, I hear you. These photos are just the first step. Our department is coordinating more actions with the students and colleagues in other departments to agitate for real change at the university. With only two other departments (Sociology & WGSS) issuing statements and coming out in unified support of #theIRATE8 student activists and #BlackLivesMatter movement, we wanted to show our solidarity and lend our anthropological expertise to spread their message further. Stay tuned for more. This is not lip service.

Christopher Noblett How can forensic scientists tell the race of a dead person from a few pieces of bone if there’s ‘no biological basis for race’ ?

Billy Bob Race doesn’t exist, but BlackLivesMatter – The mental gymnastics here are awesome.

James Rustler Anthropologists are not biologists, and their opinions in that field carry no more weight than those of a waitress at Denny’s.

Chioma Iwuoha Why are most Sociology & Anthropology departments all white?

Maerwynn Griffin So basically, your entire source for all citations includes solely Franz Boas and that’s all. Hey, cherry picking is fun! Ignore the evidence you don’t like, run with the evidence that supports your own personal narrative. It’s just like the selective application of legislation these days, or the complete non parity of the media. What does the truth matter when your side can win the argument? And these are the same people who sit there, pie eyed, wondering why the US is so politically polarized these days.

Geoff Lyon Some of the most Orwellian doublethink I have ever encountered in real life. Race is a biological fact, and this faculty is delusional in its level of Cultural Marxism. Disgusting perversion of science is what this is.

Jan van Riebeeck Give three DNA samples to a geneticist and he can tell you the exact race of each of the DNA donors. Race is a genetic reality. If somebody says Blacks do better in the NBA because physically they are just better for that kind of sport than whites nobody disagrees. Everybody is then perfectly willing to say that better genetics is why this happens.

Joshua Bates If racism is taught then why do scientists and psychologists recognize inherent racial bias in babies who cannot be taught?

Dennis Low Who do you un-teach racism to, apart from students who 1.) pay loads in fees and 2.) happen to pick courses from your department? and how many of those students a year do you think stop being racist because of your instruction?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Leftism is a social status contest in which participants jockey for position by trying to outdo each other in extremeness of deed and word, no matter how absurd their behavior may seem to outsiders.

Anthropologists from another civilization would very likely be puzzled as to why anthropologists in our civilzation are so willfully ignorant and childish. I see no reason why anthropology would be inherently predisposed to this shitbrained lunacy.

* Obviously Yeb’s handlers never wanted him to appeal to Anglos. They banked on the “naturally conservative” Mexicans voting for him en masse. But the shamelessly ethnocentric MexAm voters whose primary concern is la reconquista de Atzlan would never vote for Jeb! because in the general election there is absolutely no way that the Democrat candidate would allow themself to be out-liberaled on immigration by a Republican. Anyone doubting this should refer to last week’s Dem debate in which the candidates tripped over themselves to boast who would roll out the fanciest red carpet to Undocumented Democrats.

A general election with Boosh would go like this:

Shrub 2.5: I support instate tuition for undocumented immigrants.

Rodham/Bernie: I support Free Tuition for them plus a 30,000 dollar a year stipend paid for by our white supremacist taKKKspayers.

* I could spend all morning writing a few thousand words on the range of opinions I encounter, but the one opinion I never hear is the “open borders, let them all in amnesty” version so popular with economists and politicians. The one end of the spectrum is the high walls with wide doors option. The other end is high walls with locked doors for now option. Yet, our rulers are all open border fanatics who openly preach what has no constituency.


My sense is it is a new religion or a modification of the old Public Protestantism. In a prior age, the Yankee religious impulse was focused on the salvation of society, not of the individual. You had men in black clothes making sure you were observant of the Sabbath and not having too much fun. Once God faded from the picture and the world got smaller, this impulse folded into what we call social activism. The moonbat woman next door with the Prius really does think she is saving the planet.

History is not without examples where the rulers have a different religion from the ruled and set about converting the populace. Britain was largely converted to Christianity one noble family at a time. I’m at a loss to think of an example where the rulers adopted a religion of cultural suicide though. The only thing that comes to mind is the People’s Temple in the 70′s.

* Jeb dropped when he pushed amnesty and Trump rose when he went against illegal immigration. The American people don’t want to be merged with Mexico despite what the plutocrats who run both parties want. They voted the Republicans in to control Congress to stop illegal immigration, but the Republicans are almost as bad as the Democrats. The Republicans don’t seem to care that they are writing their own death warrant. I wonder what replaces them.

* The Bush brand is toxic. Jeb’s ability to raise vast sums of money for himself and his son from the oligarch class is not a strength. It merely serves to highlight what has long been suspected about where his family’s true loyalties lie.

Jeb doesn’t exactly have to answer for the massive incompetence of his brother, but he needs to acknowledge, in a convincing manner, where they part ways. He hasn’t done that, and it may not even be possible. In addition, Jeb’s spent a decade defending a policy, his support for amnesty, that his brother could downplay prior to his reelection, even as the debate over illegal immigration has grown more heated and gained an ever higher profile.

On every pressing issue, Jeb seems to be only to the left of his brother. He literally identifies as Hispanic. He openly embraces abolishing our borders. He embraces federal control of schools.

I thought that Bush’s best strategy was to hunker down and wait it out as other, more weakly funded candidates dropped out of the race. I no longer think that’s possible. Marco Rubio is probably the only establishment candidate who might be able to do that. There are more Republican voters than I thought who won’t vote for Jeb under any condition.

* I’ve seen some guys who just rollover for their wives in my life, but I’ve never seen one who just completely adopted her country, culture, language, and even ethnicity (which is of course impossible, but he tried.)

* The consultants thought that they had a master strategy with Jeb, his Mexican wife was going get all the latino voters for him and together with the white votes he would become president. They seemed to have completely overlooked the problem that white people decided not to back somebody who endlessly pandered to Mexicans and sneered at whites.

I can only guess they had this oversight because they were afraid to ask the very obvious question why white people should vote for him, they would probably talked about the voting habits of other ethnic groups but PC prevented them from asking about the one voting block that Bush really does need.

* To run for president in Mexico it is required not only that you be a natural born citizen but that both of your parents be natural born citizens. Jeb, not being a natural born citizen, isn’t even eligible to run for dogcatcher in Mexico; all elected offices are open only to natural born citizens.

Some countries are sick of being run for the benefit of outside powers that hold their citizens in contempt. Mexico’s immigration laws and its citizenship laws are stricter than those of El Norte and actually enforced.

* My local NPR station had a thing on the other day with a few Latino immigration advocates. They kept saying how much the business community loves immigration, and how much the religious community loves immigration. H1B’s great. Good god fearing folk, great.

Not one mention of – housing prices, wage stagnation, sovereignty, etc.

I think one of them brought up the discussion of *comprehensive* immigration reform, in that they shouldn’t go along with enforcing immigration law until the millions of current illegals get citizenship. (Roughly paraphrasing).

I keep seeing numbers about how American’s want some sort of legal pathway for the 11 million (or so) illegals here now. For the sake of argument, I might be counted in that number. The question is – why can’t we have a taste of enforcement first? Then legalization?

* You can thank the U.S. Supreme Court for that since it struck down the sensible Texas law making it illegal for unauthorized aliens to attend free public schools in a 5-4 decision more than 30 years ago. You can blame Congress for the other large magnet, free healthcare at hospitals. Free education for the kids, and free healthcare for the family. Sure beats Mexico.

* George W. would have had a better instinct for how to handle Trump than Jeb does. I think of the debate when Al Gore (acting on some consultant’s advice) left his lectern and went over to stand by Bush as he spoke, as if to intimidate him. Bush glanced over at him and then made an expression like, “What’s up with this dude?” and it made Gore look silly.

Not saying that Trump couldn’t have bulldozed W, just that W probably wouldn’t have been the pushover that Jeb has proved to be.

* Anthropologists likely aren’t any stupider than the average American academic, but their field has been perhaps uniquely gutted by pomo/identity politics. When I was in grad school in the late 80s, the anthro people were already wandering around campus with glazed, lamb-to-the-slaughter expressions on their incredulous faces, as they went from one seminar to the next in which the entire premise of their field — i.e. that by close, ‘thick’ observation and description, a la Clifford Geertz, members of one culture could analyse and understand the practices and beliefs of another culture — was relentlessly undermined by pomo diatribes such as Edward Said’s Orientalism. They were left with not much else to do but write whiny, self-abnegating pseudo travel books in which they minutely examined their own prejudices and unworthiness as they came face to face with the Exalted Other.

* In the 2008 elections there were also subtle physical games. Both Obama and Biden grasped McCain and Palin by the arms. It showed McCain as a cripple and Palin as weak.

* Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the US legal system paid some attention to reality and did not seem to be full of aggrieved people bent on abolishing the historic US nation?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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