Daily Archives: September 18, 2015

Australia’s New Prime Minister Strongly Supports Hate Speech Laws

Comments to Steve Sailer: * [Malcolm] Turnbull is vehemently opposed to any watering down of the Racial Discrimination Act, which is something very close to the hearts of his electorate. I’d say Sailer is on the right track. Turnbull: Mr … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Beautiful Wife Is From Slovenia

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Slovenia is about the perfect country. They have never started any wars, never had a major war fought within their borders. Never had sectarian or civil strife. Never been ruled by despots (Tito’s rule was … Continue reading

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It’s hard dealing with Ahmeds and other grifters

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Cultures with a long view never stop probing. * I think there’s three things that explain why Obama and the left have jumped all over this incident: 1) disdain for white Texans who “cling to … Continue reading

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Carly’s Lost Child To Drugs

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This gives me the opportunity to hate on Carly Fiorina, for her misleading comments about “losing a child” to drugs. Now all the idiots think she lost her daughter to drugs. 1. Lori Ann Fiorina … Continue reading

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Who Will Resist The Islamic Invasion Of Europe?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * European vanity dictates that they can do no other than to invite/welcome/exalt the invading hoard into their countries. But deep down, they hope that some disreputable agent–like the Serbs, who already have a tainted reputation … Continue reading

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