Australia’s New Prime Minister Strongly Supports Hate Speech Laws

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* [Malcolm] Turnbull is vehemently opposed to any watering down of the Racial Discrimination Act, which is something very close to the hearts of his electorate. I’d say Sailer is on the right track.


Mr Turnbull disputed the argument that there should be no limitations on free speech, saying history had proven that “hate speech” was dangerous.

“I am very, very strongly of the view that hate, you know — people who peddle racial hatred — seriously undermine the stability and the harmony of our country,” the minister said.

“You don’t have to look very far, whether around the world today or in history, to see where hate speech can get you,” he said.

When asked about Attorney-General George Brandis’s comments that everyone had a right to be a bigot, Mr Turnbull said that there should be no tolerance for people who were racist.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ):

“As soon as the Opposition as it then was, announced that it proposed to repeal Section 18C, the ECAJ consulted extensively and made known very publicly over many months that it would oppose any repeal of Section 18C.”

“That legislation has served the Jewish community very well over 20 years and should continue to do so. And the legislation should remain intact.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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