Daily Archives: September 11, 2015

The Fat Female Problem

From Chateau Heartiste: I find it funny how few pundits in any media capacity address the female obesity problem and its role in destabilizing the mating market. (Bill Bennett wept.) Women might get offended — correction, fat chicks and feminists … Continue reading

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How To Handle A Manipulative Exhibitionist

From Chateau Heartiste: The better response is to humorously clue her into the fact that you know what she’s up to, without going all the way to angrily indicting her for malfeasant immodesty. “Jiggling your tits? That’s quaint, like something … Continue reading

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Europe Cucks Itself

From Chateau Heartiste: Bottom line: The refugees are not Europe’s moral crisis. They are the responsibility of those countries from which the migrants hail. The blame for every drowned Syrian child rests with their families who pushed them onto colonizing … Continue reading

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The Wall Meets Beta Bux

From Chateau Heartiste: The Wall is the point in a woman’s life when she is sexually worthless to the vast majority of men with options. As The Wall approaches, a woman’s sexual market value (SMV, i.e., her youth and beauty), … Continue reading

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Hate Speech Has No Place in a Synagogue?

Rabbi Michael White and Rabbi Jerome Davidson write: We write as rabbis devoted both to our faith community and to human rights for all peoples. We were disheartened to learn that the Great Neck Synagogue has invited Pamela Geller to … Continue reading

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