Monthly Archives: September 2015

Australia – Immigration Nation

John Izzard writes: The viewing of this appalling, biased, one-sided, ill-considered SBS program immediately began conjuring up images of it being eagerly spread out to schools and academic institutions across the nation and its nasty content being transmitted far and … Continue reading

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The White Australia Policy

From Quadrant: The history of Australia that the SBS documentary “Immigration Nation” overlooked. The White Australia Policy was introduced for economic and cultural reasons, not primarily because of racial prejudice. A proper reading of its history reveals there is no … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: “NYT Editorial Board Complains That Australia Is “Ruthlessly Effective” at Not Being Overrun”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * They aren’t ruthless. They don’t turn back migrants with flotillas of gunboats. The Aussies made it clear that no one would get through. So the illegal infiltrators immediately stopped coming (and stopped drowning). In fact, … Continue reading

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How Do You Make White Women Have More Babies?

One idea: “Restrict college and most occupations to men only. Take away women’s sufferage. Outlaw abortion and birth control.” * Leonard, Thomas C. (2005) “Protecting Family and Race: The Progressive Case for Regulating Women’s Work.” American Journal of Economics and … Continue reading

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Conservatives Have A Stronger Disgust Reflex

Comments to Steve Sailer: * An understanding of the Germ Theory of Disease is something all newcomers need to be exposed to before they begin working. This knowledge used to be acquired by most family members as part of simply … Continue reading

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