Monthly Archives: September 2015

NYT: “Justice Dept. to Put Focus on White-Collar Criminals”

Steve Sailer writes: “For new Attorney General Loretta Lynch to focus on white-collar criminals would be a big change from former Attorney General Eric Holder’s obsession with white non-criminals like Darren Wilson and non-white non-criminals like George Zimmerman.” Comments: * … Continue reading

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For People Who Want To Be Intellectuals But Can’t Quite Cut It

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I have an old friend who once chatted with me about whether there could be institutions set up for people who want to be intellectuals but just aren’t up to it. Somewhere they could shelter … Continue reading

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Free Beacon: New York Times Launches Congress ‘Jew Tracker’

I take it for granted that being Jewish is likely to predispose a politician to certain positions (generally siding with the coalition of the fringe against the core). Also, having Jewish constituents and Jewish funding will undoubtedly influence politicians. For … Continue reading

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Spectator: Why does the left care more about Islamophobia than anti-Semitism?

Article. Chaim Amalek They are more afraid of the hard killing power of muslim Jihadists than they are of the soft, more feminine power (e.g., filing law suits, shooting faxes hither and yon) of the Jews. They’re realists who understand … Continue reading

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The Real Enemies Of America

Ann Coulter writes: To be sure, not all our beloved refugees are Muslim terrorists. Some are Hutu terrorists. A few years ago, we took in a genocidal Rwandan, Beatrice Munyenyezi, as a “refugee.” Only after Munyenyezi was granted citizenship did … Continue reading

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