For People Who Want To Be Intellectuals But Can’t Quite Cut It

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I have an old friend who once chatted with me about whether there could be institutions set up for people who want to be intellectuals but just aren’t up to it. Somewhere they could shelter from life’s buffeting and devote their time partly to ways of earning a modest living, and partly to discussions with like-minded chumps while living a frugal but decent life. We agreed that at one time monasteries probably served that function for many of the monks. But I can’t see TNC being a dab hand at producing illuminated manuscripts.

* I see the alt-right as beginning to pound the crap out of Traditional Republican organization and this is spewing into the mainstream. And they are really are getting a lot of traction over the Arab migrant thing. This is really one of those “We told you so” issues, the whole “Camp of Saints” prophecy. And given the growing support of Trump, mostly based on the single issue of immigration, and how Trump read the winds and shifted to refusal for any support of Syrian migrants from the US, this a massive problem for both, moderate Republicans and the left.

So now back to the well and an attempt to attack the other key issue of the alt-right, black criminality, and the debate will shift back to ground where they can hurl “Racist” accusations. And right now they are getting their butts whipped. The alt-right comes armed loaded for bear with data and stats, and the white “allies” are getting nervous. And the pesky black crminal class isn’t cooperting with the narrative. Murder went up with a police stand down. There have been hugely public violent actions by blacks against whites or law enforcement. Libs are wondering which “ally” will be the next Kevin Sutherland or Blonde reporter to be shot?

* I have read his material, and more tellingly, I’ve watched his Aspen Institute panel discussion where had to think on his feet, so I think Steve has it right. Even with his handler, Jeffrey Goldberg, propping him up and a fawning audience, he was out to sea. Now he may have been distracted by the way Goldberg was so fulsome in his praise that he looked like he might drop to his knees and lunge for TNC’s zipper at any moment. I suppose that would also have me looking desperately for an exit, instead of trying to follow the discussion thread.

* What’s interesting is that blacks seem to be the only group that achieves this sort of significantly disproportionate influence as public intellectuals aside from Jews. The fact that Jews have the highest average intelligence, while blacks the lowest, and that their output while monopolizing the public intelligentsia is not especially intelligent, suggests that something else is at work.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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