Spectator: Why does the left care more about Islamophobia than anti-Semitism?


Chaim Amalek They are more afraid of the hard killing power of muslim Jihadists than they are of the soft, more feminine power (e.g., filing law suits, shooting faxes hither and yon) of the Jews. They’re realists who understand their moral and other limitations.

Nils Grevillius Because they subscribe to a theory of political multiculturalism, wherein power is derived from dividing groups. The fiction is that all cultures are equal, but some are more equal than others. Within this, islam became a race, instead of a religion. And they derive power from race baiting. Were islam a religion in their view, they’d step on muslims like they do jews and Christians.

Chaim Amalek The Left HAS to hate the Jews for their association with Zionism, which according to their way of thinking is a total anachronism that should have been left in the 19th century. If you favor open borders in the West to every 3rd Worlder who makes it in then how could you possibly favor the existence of an ethnostate like Israel or think well of its pasty-faced backers in the West?

Rick Sanchez I favor closed borders, I want America to take care of its own people and stop letting everyone from other countries to come here and take jobs, services that belong to the American people. The liberal Jews are the problem.

Chaim Amalek Don’t forget all the White goyim who want to be raped by the rest of the world. Starting with Angela Merkel, and continuing on to just about every Nordic Christian pastor I have ever heard expound on this topic.

Rick Sanchez Remember Jews aren’t white

Chaim Amalek Since Jews are not white, it is totally understandable when they do not push to advance white interests. But what excuse have the indisputably white nordic Christian pastors and the Angela Merkels of the white race?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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