Monthly Archives: September 2015

High Noon to Midnight: Why Current Immigration Policy Dooms American Jewry

By Stephen Steinlight April 2004: Among the articles of faith in the waning culture of secular liberalism that has served as an ersatz religion for many mainstream American Jews, the most vulnerable tenet is belief in “generous legal immigration,” the … Continue reading

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Cuckservatism explained: What’s right and wrong with this new meme

Gavin McInnes writes: Every time I try to engage someone in a debate or even present a challenging idea, the response is “I can’t even.” Young people are especially unable to deal and will add, “I literally can’t,” “I don’t … Continue reading

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Israel & The Syrian Refugees

From Mondoweiss: Israel has refused to take a single refugee. Opposition leader Isaac Herzog called on Netanyahu’s hard-line right-wing government “to act toward receiving refugees from the war in Syria, in addition to the humanitarian efforts it is already making.” … Continue reading

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Can We Save The West By Bringing In Millions Of Low IQ Muslim Refugees?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The common argument is that the unconscious Jewish motivation to promote multiculturalism is that a culture that is race blind and full of others will keep Jews themselves from being identified and “Othered” where they’re … Continue reading

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The Gifts Of Islamic Refugees

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The problem of using Orwell as a user manual is that there will always be men outside control of the state. Unlike 1984. That was true even in the Soviet Union. Men are primally driven … Continue reading

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