Monthly Archives: September 2015

Ann Coulter & Carly Fiorina

A Jewish friend says to me: It is so fascinating to watch the Republican/conservative blogs and websites write about Ann Coulter and Carly Fiorina. Regarding Coulter, Jews have long been skeptical of her. She is unabashedly Christian. She has led … Continue reading

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Why do some Jews support increased Islamic immigration into the West?

This story illustrates why there is Holocaust denial. Intelligent Holocaust denial is not about what happened to Jews during WWII. It is about denying that because of what happened to Jews during WWII, we can’t ask questions such as, will … Continue reading

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MSM Reads Chateau Heartiste

Link: – At Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos links to an older CH post about sexbots. (Hey, Milo, there’s been a lot of great CH stuff since then that you can leverage for 3,000+ comment gain.) The article is a good read, … Continue reading

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Israeli Opinions On The Syrian Refugees

LINK: * ‘Long live Viktor Orbán!’ I mumble under my breath, for fear of being lynched if I am suspected of racism and Islamophobia. Syrian and Afghan refugees on and around a dinghy that deflated just before reaching Lesbos By … Continue reading

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Too Many Europeans Choose the Strong Horse

Anatoly Karlin writes: Often it is the extreme (nut)cases that best illustrate general social maladies. This story encapsulates most of the constituent elements of the decline and fall of European civilization. (1) The wild age differentials. You don’t have to … Continue reading

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