Ann Coulter & Carly Fiorina

A Jewish friend says to me: It is so fascinating to watch the Republican/conservative blogs and websites write about Ann Coulter and Carly Fiorina.

Regarding Coulter, Jews have long been skeptical of her. She is unabashedly Christian. She has led the fight against illegal immigrants. She is smart enough and witty enough to get the best of anyone who challenges her. Notably she remained friends with Joe Sobran even in his exile and she wrote a beautiful obituary for him. As you know official Jewry considered Sobran an anti-Semite on the same level as Hitler. What Jews cannot and will not tolerate is anyone in public discourse who could be considered a public intellectual taking any position which might call attention to Jewish power and influence. It might be acceptable for a Jew to mention it and persons on the periphery such as Steve Sailer might and left wing magazines can have authors, both Jewish and non-Jewish criticize Israel, but even they shy away from raising the issue of influence, power and wealth.

Unfortunately for Coulter she is a frequent guest on Fox although she is not seen on other networks. Therefore, her making her statement about pandering to the Jews, would be perfectly acceptable if during a Democratic debate she tweeted they were pandering to gays, or blacks, or whatever, but here it has to cut off. I feel for her, as I really enjoy and respect her as a polemicist and think she and Donald Trump are the only reason we are talking about illegal immigration at all this election cycle.

My own guess as to why she tweeted out what she did, is not that she was pushing the envelope or thought that what she was writing would be acceptable because of a widening Overton window, but rather that she was drinking. She is smart enough to know when she crossed over the line and it was acceptable to say that Republicans were pandering on Israel, Reagan and abortion. But to ask how many fucking Jews are there in the country is not something she would have written had she been completely sober. In that sense what this reveals is what Mel Gibson revealed when he was drunk as well and everyone interprets it to mean that if you scratch the surface of a goy, there is an anti-Semite beneath the skin. In fact what it means is that only when they are drunk are they uninhibited enough to be honest, but that honesty should not be mistaken for anti-Semitism.

I do not doubt for a second that Ann Coulter does not harbor anti-Semitic feelings as they are thought of. No murderous impulses toward Jews — hers are directed toward Muslims. No hostility to Israel. However, as a descendant of Old Line Northern European stock, raised as a republican in Connecticut she probably does retain some shred of a belief that Jews are interlopers into traditional American culture.

It is also amazing to see how both the Conservative/Republican blogs and the MSM are pushing Carly Fiorina. I don’t know how anyone can vote for her. She supports amnesty, wants us to not negotiate with our enemies, and holds a traditional neo-con/likud view of foreign policy, with absolutely nothing to say about how to help America’s economy. But they are so eager to bring down Trump they are pushing her as an alternative. She would be a complete tool of the same Republican foreign policy establishment that brought us the Iraq war and the Afghani quagmire. She also is taking a very strong position on abortion, which might help her with the 25% that want to see abortion banned, but is a big loser with the electorate as a whole.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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