Too Many Europeans Choose the Strong Horse

Anatoly Karlin writes: Often it is the extreme (nut)cases that best illustrate general social maladies. This story encapsulates most of the constituent elements of the decline and fall of European civilization.

(1) The wild age differentials. You don’t have to be one of those puritan freaks who would slam an eighteen year old’s life for having sex with someone like this at 14, but 29 and 15? That’s a bit too much, man. (Though admittedly just about legal in Denmark).

And the dude already has a wife and kids!

(2) The licentious, totally irresponsible sexual behavior of the lower half of the female bell curve under the banner of feminist empowerment.

Before, this was kept in check through familial, social, and legal strictures. Cavorting with a man double her age with that kind of name would have earned her a spanking, ostracism from the community, and maybe exile to a nunnery. But what is a single mother – she has a stepfather, but he appears to be otherwise absent from the story – to do to control a waywards 15 year old female teenager in a modern European state? Anything much beyond surly disapproval is child abuse, and will be treated as such by Scandinavia’s hyperactive social services. Trying to impart Christian values? Northern European Protestant clergymen make the Pope seem like a paragon of muscular Christianity.

As for society, suffice to say that to SJWs and even some self-styled conservatives, any man making these kinds of arguments is typically denigrated as a “weak” “loser” who is just bitter he “can’t get any,” while any woman who would nod her head to this is obviously under some kind of “false consciousness” foisted on her by the “patriarchy” since according to SJWs no woman who disagrees with them can possibly have any sort of independent agency.

As it is, her mother did try to check Lisa Borch’s self-destructive spiral and got murdered for her trouble.

(3) The avid documentation of all this degeneracy in Instagram, that social media platform most optimized for vapid attention whoring.

(4) All people seek some kind of truth, some absolute moral guidelines to live by. This impulse is much weaker amongst the intelligent, who tend to have the rational faculties and self-control to responsibly exercise freedom. But amongst the lower half of the bell curve, it is predominant.

The modern state has abdicated its responsibility to provide this truth, so people now reach out to all kinds of bizarre cults and ideologies to quench their anomie. This can take arguably positive and creative forms (e.g. transhumanism), or essentially harmless ones (e.g. the deerkin cult on Tumblr), or more malign forms such as the livid nihilism that best characterizes the social justice movement.

If there is one ideology that is most unaninimous and consistent in its insistence on having access to absolute truth, it is Islam.

Women specifically face even greater challenges to their sanity and good sense. That is because all women ultimately seek to submit to a strong man. (Higher IQ women are able to exercise more control over these impulses, while feminist women just have higher demands).

Osama bin Laden, whatever else you might think of him, was a redpilled, intelligent dude. And he said:

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse.

Hailing from cultures propagandized by Hollywood as far more virile and vibrant than Europe, unrestricted by European mores that encourage restraint in human relations, and freed from the requirement to “check their privilege” on account of their minority status, Muslims and Islamist males in particular are enabled to act the role of the strong horse.

And thus the dregs of society, bereft of the benign paternalism that would have kept them on the right path in older days, are now clamoring to place their bets against their own nations, culture, and – yes – race (Isn’t “I heard my mother scream and I looked out the window and saw a white man running away” very telling in this respect?).

From hip-hop to jihad, how the Islamic State became a magnet for converts

She was a redheaded rebel, the singer in the family, a trash-talking, tattooed 21-year-old wrapped up in a hip-hop dream of becoming Holland’s Eminem. Then Betsy found Allah.

After her sudden conversion to Islam last summer, Betsy — a name given by her family to protect her identity — began dressing in full Muslim robes. By January, the once-agnostic Dutch woman, raised in a home where the only sign of religion was a dusty Bible on a shelf, began defending homegrown terrorists. A feud with her father over her apparent radicalization prompted her to leave home — turning up days later, her parents and Dutch authorities now say, in Syria, where she would become the bride of an Islamic State fighter. …

The profiles of converts joining the Islamic State often mirror that of Betsy. The child of divorced parents, she dropped out of school by age 14, was busted for shoplifting by 16 and was struggling with a drug problem at one point.

I really do think I understand her. I mean, at some level, it’s a choice between a broken home, chronic degeneracy, and a world of cucked faggots in empty suits always reaching new heights in combining self-importance with impotence… or the swarthy alpha male youths they imported, whose brothers are blowing shit up and cutting the throats of those very empty suits in the eastern deserts.

Here’s a Heartiste meme that aptly illustrates this.

Not a hard choice deciding who’s the stronger horse here! At least, not for 100,000 Brits, most of them younger women!

(5) The legal system isn’t going to cut Lisa Borch’s throat, or even imprison her at least until she’s past her reproductive age. She got 9 years, which means she will be out at 24 years at the latest. Still good for a good 20 years or so of service as a brood mare in the Islamic State.

(6) These problems are most terminal in Western Europe, but its worth mentioning that not even relatively based Eastern European countries are immune to the cancer. Varvara Karaulova is one Russian example (who admittedly doesn’t fit the usual profile for these types – she went to Moscow State University, an elite institution, where she studied Arabic and became a bit too acculturated for her own good). In Ukraine, we have the prominent case of Vita Zaverukha, who ended up committing murders for the European ISIS otherwise known as the Banderite batallions of Aidar, Azov, etc. As the commentator Glossy put it (and diagnosed correctly):

What kind of parents let their 18 year-old DAUGHTER sign up with a death squad during time of war? You’ve got to realize that the junta never had more than 70k people figthing for it. That’s in a country of 40 million. All the caring, functional parents in the Ukraine have already sent their draft-age sons abroad or bought medical papers declaring them schizofrenic paraplegics.

This is what’s left. I’m going to diagnose a broken home and romantic involvement with a Banderite football hooligan/gangster wannabe.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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